
Showing posts from March, 2016

Freeing oneself From Religious Captivity !

                                                                       I was born , free from religion , free from any racial hatred or bias that we all know of too well . I was also born in Dublin , Ireland , a staunch catholic country , known for its spreading of the faith throughout the world . I was born with the innocence and purity of every baby born to every mother that ever conceived . Just like you all I was christened ,and if you were born into a catholic family like I was you will understand the traditions and the religious expectations of being catholic . As you got a little older you were confirmed in another very religious ceremony . These are the trappings of growing up as a young catholic child in Ireland .                         ...

Celebrating Easter with Bolshevik's !

Just Thought it was a Nice Pic !                                                                      Here we are , and its Saturday evening , the night before Easter Sunday . And I haven't got a thing done . I haven't had my hair clipped , I haven't had my monthly manicure and pedicure , and I feel lost . Lost in the sense that these things will have to stop being so important in my life . Its doing my wife's head in . Especially the fact that I have more manicures/pedicures than she has . This form of self gratification is going to have to stop . Its costing me a small fortune . And I wouldn't mind so much , but a good friend of mine has her own exclusive salon called Enhance Beauty Clinic in Ballyfermot . Its a bit far away for me to frequent , but she is the best in the business . This is for you Sandra . ...

Palestine . Such an Easy Task For Me !

                                                                     Earlier on today I had a conversation with a certain Mr. J Berkowitz on facebook . The conversation was basically about someone else's feelings of despair because of the situation in the world with regard to the lack of understanding , the lack of love , and how every opinion with regard to the same was hate filled especially with people's attitudes toward Israel  . And this left the lady who was so full of despair , unhappy and she asked why this sort of thing was even happening in the first place . I would describe her feelings as being maybe a little naive , but I understood her concern .                                           ...

Doing The Body Jerk !

                                                                      Today I have just found out what has failed me miserably in understanding what it was that was happening to my body just before I fell off to sleep at night . I don't know if you have had similar experiences , but just before I would fall off to sleep my body would jump and jerk in the bed for some unknown reason . And today I was reliably informed what was actually happening to me .                                                                      Seemingly , just as you are about to drop off your mind is of the understanding that your body is ready to move over in to ...

You Really do Sicken Me !

Its all you're both deserving of . The Simpsons !                                                                         Last night I took a rest from my usual blogging responsibilities , but found myself so disappointed that I kinda felt a little guilty today . Don't get me wrong , but talking to others about this and that does wonders for my conversational skills . Before starting this journey , I wouldn't give you the time of day . Not because I was rude or anything , it was simply because those conversational skills hadn't been used loosely in a very long time . Now I am feeling guilty over not using them , you really can't win can you ? Anyway ....................................                                   ...

I Really Don't Like You !

                                                                             Normally I don't have the time to do this . But today surprisingly , I had the time to just sit with myself and have a pretty varied discussion about me and my pretty little idiosyncrasies . As I said I don't usually set aside time for self exploration , but today , yes today was a little different . It was different in so many ways , that to explain it could never give you a feeling of understanding . I was like Alice sliding down that hole , and emerging in a place so surreal , so short of anything that looked or felt recognizable or comfortable even . I could have been on another planet for all I knew . This self examination was definitely getting to me .                 ...

And They Don't Like It !

                               When it comes to saying something about any given subject or topic , you tend to know who and who will not be interested in a particular point you decide to open up about . You know for example that you have a certain readership who like and tend to go for the silly little anecdotes that fill my blogs at times . You also know from a personal angle , who will be interested in stories of human kindness and I suppose simply how the other half lives . But you also find out pretty soon , that blogging in a certain direction like the poster says , real shit , whether it will be read or just plain ignored .                             Since starting to do this pastime of mine , and I have mentioned it before , I have found not surprisingly , that The United States readership like to get involved in anything polit...

Man Wouldn't it be nice to Just Pause for a While ?

                                                                       I am donning my serious gown for this particular blog . So if you are not in the mood for serious stuff , you've been warned . And contrary to popular belief , this is one blog I had in my head to do , and not just off the cuff as I normally do . You might find it informative , and you might find it boring , but one thing about it is , that it's the truth the whole truth , and nothing but the truth . So hold on to your seats , here goes !                                                                       Have you ever stopped to think seriously about yourself and ...

Just Filling a Hole !

                                                                   For the very first time in my blogging career , I have completely deleted two paragraphs of drivel I had dreamed  up just to fill a hole . A hole I felt needed filling , simply because I felt I had to put up something along the lines of I hope you had a nice St. Patrick's day . Yes I do hope you had a nice day , but other than that I really had nothing else to share or comment on . So rather than bore you with definite drivel , just to as I said fill a hole , I will take my leave , and wish all of you a wonderful end to what was a glorious day .                                                  Hugs & Kisses XOXOX

A Book of Life !

                                                                     Brunei is a tiny country on the island of Borneo , surrounded by Malaysia and the South China Sea . Although an Islamic country , The Royal Brunei Airlines gives equal opportunity to women when it comes to flying their Airlines from country to country . So then why do you think when it comes to landing in other countries , especially Islamic countries , does it make headlines in the news ? The Ladies From Brunei !                                                                     Well let me enlighten you just a little . Having a complete female crew who commanded a plane ,...

You in the Singular !

                                                                      To have been raised and having grown up in Dublin from the year 1953 till the present day , would seem like a very long time . In truth its the guts of sixty three years , and having lived those years , and having learnt what I have learned throughout that time , from a personal point of view , as well as from a social perspective , fills my being with pride and wonderment . Pride for all of the good things that have come my way , and wonderment , that I am still able to take in what's new in the world without it confusing me too much .                                                           ...

Hvoden har du de Denmark ?

                                                                Hvoden har du de Denmark ? I lived in Odense for a while , I loved your country !

Watch This Space !

                                                                       Let me just get this out of the way as quickly as possible , as I have never had a reaction to one of my blogs the way I have had with " Doing your Business " . The replies and e/mails and comments of support are overflowing at this moment . And as a result I will have to ask you to stop sending replies with descriptions of how it has effected your life . Yes I shared the information with you for the betterment of your disposition(lets call it) , but giving me a blow by blow description , in detail , is certainly not necessary .                                                             ...

It Needs to be Real !

Why Jean Harlow ? I like Jean Harlow !                                                                            I was toying with the idea of ignoring you , the readership this evening , and decided I better not as you only get one chance at this . You see I take your comments and your involvement very seriously . So much so I feel it my duty to give to you the best that I can , when I can . And if it ever comes to the time when I can't figure that out , well that will be the only way I could call a halt to this very coveted enterprise .                                                                           ...

Doing your Business !

                                                                   I have had thousands of replies and comments in relation to my blogs concerning various topics . And I have also had requests to speak about certain subjects , ...............that are not necessarily everyone's cup of tea . And as you all  know from previous experience , I am not one to mess about when it comes to subjects that may be a little sensitive , or possibly provocative . So with that in mind , I would like to talk about something we all do , day in and day out , sometimes multiple times per day , that is spoken very little of . The thing about this experience , is that from my perspective anyway , is always done privately . If you choose to do it with company , well that's really up to yourselves , but it's certainly not something I would...

The Start of a New Beginning !

                                                                       It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge , and accept that there could be something possibly wrong with someones behaviour . Especially if you are close to this certain someone , and you have always had nothing but their best interests at heart . These experiences that you both probably went through , are possibly the foundation on which your friendship is based . In most cases you will have probably grown up together , went to school together , cried and laughed together . Which makes some of your suspicions that little bit harder to believe and even harder to take .                                                 ...

Then What's The Point ?

                                                                  Maybe my definition of a blog is different from other people . I tend to think that if you are going to blog , well , try and make it meaningful . I don't really get it when people post maybe two sentences every hour , that it can be considered a blog . Things like my washing machine is not working LOL . What am I going to do ? The traffic is desperate today , may as well go home and back to bed . Like give me a break . Do people really expect others to be interested in such bullshit ?                                                                 Are people's lives really that shallow , that they ne...

Show a Little Respect !

                                                                     Lets take the so called average family , what is it ? Oh yes 2.4 children . Sex doesn't matter , only attitude . Lets put this average family in an average house , with an average car , and average aspirations . I think you get the idea , everything about their lives is completely average .                                                                     Now if you have that 2.4 children we spoke about , then this exercise could be plain sailing , depending on YOUR ATTITUDE . So the question needs to be asked , in terms of doing out the menu for the day , when you think of lu...

A Future Where Only Karma Resides !

                                                                      I am only left with broken toy pieces to mend . I have been given nothing but string and wood glue to try and put them back together , that which was destroyed by an angry conscience , looking for nothing but personal retribution . Your constant affinity with compassion and forgiveness gives me a never ending feeling of wanting something solid in return , maybe some revenge , maybe even an example to be made of someone . I am considering my position on this , and am in no mood to be rushed into making my final decision . And when made , it will put into play , a whole new understanding of what it is to be pissed off .                                     ...

A Theme From the Existential Master !

                                                                       When would it be time to set aside all personal differences with people and mend those bridges that need mending before they fall apart ? When if ever , would be the right time to set aside all that has happened before , and start on a brand new page , never used or spoken about ? Have you got the courage to think about even allowing yourself to be compromised . Its kinda like asking your inner self , am I going to be pissed upon again . Am I so desperate for these bridges to be mended that I concede everything I have ever believed in , and forget about all of the lessons I have supposedly learned as a result of this nightmare that is staring me in the face ?                       ...