You Will Get Yours ! (Please let it be Soon)

                                                              I have been reading various accounts of how the refugee crisis is escalating throughout Europe , and the one thing that is suggested in all of these reports is how intolerant of European customs the refugees actually are . Already without large numbers of them having even arrived at their destination of choice , are heard to be spreading hatred toward Europeans through their numbers . As I explained in an earlier blog how thousands have taken to motorways to get to where they want to go , and along the way have been screaming hate and abusive remarks toward the local inhabitants . When I say it does nothing for their reputations would be an understatement , and it certainly doesn't enhance a feeling of acceptance .
                                                            Now as I understand it , the vast majority of people throughout Europe are kind understanding and welcoming . Most of them will probably have some sort of knowledge on how and why these poor people are making their way across Europe and their own respective countries . They will have seen how an American president along with a British Prime Minister , and of course not to forget an Israeli Prime Minister , have come together and forced these poor people in to a refugee lifestyle .By the creation of I.S.I.S they have created instability , they have created war , they have empowered these mercenaries to savage a country and its people in a vain attempt to topple a certain President Assad . Accusing him of all sorts of atrocities , chemical weapon usage , slaughter of his own people etc.
                                                           They did the same with Iraq , accusing them of having nuclear capability , and using this propaganda to justify their attacks and their destruction of that land . As with everything else , we have found that The British , The Israeli's and particularly the Americans have been extremely economical with the truth when it comes to Iraq .They found no weapons of mass destruction , but they did get their way and got access to the one thing they wanted . And what was that , that they so badly wanted ? Oil of course , Oil .
                                                           These three great partners are very good at de-stabilising countries . So much so they even sell their arms to the terrorists , not forgetting , that they were created by them in the first place .
                                                           Israel , Britain ( I left out the great intentionally ) , nothing great about murdering bastards who sell arms to whoever , and not forgetting the Good Old U.S of A are the true terrorists of our time . But , you will no longer be allowed to continue your systematic rape of this planet , your collective true colours and who you really answer to is now in the public domain . You all have innocent blood on your hands . You have murdered children , mothers , and fathers in the name of a global attempt to control the planet . You will not succeed , and you will be slain by your own people .
                                                         The time and day of your deliverance will be upon us soon . Your shame and your attempt at depriving decent people of their entitlement to human rights , shall always be remembered . You and your ilk , remain nothing but a cancerous scum on the face of this earth . You will get Yours ! Please let it be soon .


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