Turing Pharmaceuticals , anybody ?  Martin Shkreli anybody ? Well lets just state for the record that Martin Shkreli  is the C E O at Turing Pharmaceuticals . This start up company bought the rights to a life saving drug called Daraprim in August of this year .
                                                            This drug Daraprim is used mainly in the treatment of Toxoplasmosis a very dangerous parasitic infection . Toxoplasmosis can have serious side effects in patients with compromised  immune systems , such as aids patients . This is the background to the story , but what happened when Turing Pharmaceuticals got their hands on the drug will make you sick .
                                                            When they bought the rights to the drug in August it was priced fairly at 13.5 dollars per tablet . But they immediately increased the price to 750.00 DOLLARS per tablet . As a result there was outrage from certain medical institutions who represent doctors who actually treat those patients with Toxoplasmosis and similarly with Aids patients and other patients with infectious diseases
                                                           Since this information went public there has been a somewhat forced retraction of that increase , but by how much they are not telling . And even with this reduction in price , it is forcing people who may not be able to afford the drug to use alternative medicines that are not a successful as Daraprim .
                                                           I am passing on this story just to show the greed in human nature . This is the face of pure and utter greed Martin ( The Thief ) Shkreli .Take a good look at his baby face , butter wouldn't melt in his mouth . You see it really goes to show that not all MONSTERS are ugly , and not all monsters have it written on their foreheads . This cocky little shit deserves to be shown for what he truly is and what he truly represents . GREED AT ITS MOST DISGUSTING !


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