Shaking an Apple Tree !

                                                            Its nice to see that my previous blogs have added some juice to a conversation that definitely needs to take place . This conversation is long overdue , and it basically should include you the individual , and your conscience . Can you really ignore what's happening in every town in every country in this great world of ours ? Apathy is such a terrible state to live your life in . Ignorance and couldn't care less is a recipe for being taken advantage of . Surely you get the feeling that something is terribly wrong out there ? Surely you can feel it just like me ?
                                                           Now let me explain a little about myself . I don't have the sort of education I would have liked . I am not some sort of end of world crazy . I simply can't sit back anymore and watch while young children are washed up on beaches when their only reason for being there is that they wanted to escape a war that was killing their families and friends .That picture of that poor child on Bodrum beach killed me . Think of him as your child and try in your deepest of thoughts , to put yourself in his families place .Explain to me why you wouldn't do exactly what his family and so many others like them did , and flee to safety anywhere that is not a war zone . Tell me you wouldn't do it .
                                                          Everywhere you look on social media there are calls for some sort of spiritual or economic intervention , and to be honest I DO believe something positive is happening . I wouldn't like to predict what that might be . But with the formation of BRICS , it seems at last someone is sick to death with American and European foreign policy .
                                                          When I write this I don't write from a pre written script or the like , I write as things come into my head , and sometimes maybe the blogs don't flow as easily as I would like them to , but I hope you understand the passion with which I feel about these things . A lot of the time I run on empty , and then suddenly it just flows . I have made it my life's mission to understand why we are where we are , and how we've reached this point . I wouldn't like to give the impression that I understand everything with regard to the subjects I write about . But I understand from deep in my insides that these things need to be highlighted and shared .
                                                          Now my audience is not very big , due to financial restrictions etc. But if I can wake just one person up who will at the next stage pass on the little they may have learned from my revelations , then that suits me . All I want to do is shake that apple tree , and maybe one or two apples will fall . Then someone else can go on and plant their own apple tree , and continue the effort .
                                                         You will never understand or appreciate how thankful I am for all of your positive comments and your involvement . There was a time I did all of this for myself , mostly for personal therapy . But I have gone beyond that , and now with your understanding of all of my idiosyncrasies

I have more than enough reason to write . Thank you for that , and keep up your good work , whatever it may be . 


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