Connect !

                                                       I want to slap impolite people ! I want to make them endure what they make others endure every day of every week of every year . I want to teach them that being like that is making it so much harder for people to connect . Because connect is what needs to be top of our priority list . For too long we have been distancing ourselves from all the things that really matter . You all know those things , community spirit , helping the needy , looking out for each other . And its sad to say that most of those traits have been lost in the search for a new type of identity .
                                                      I don't have the time , I'm already doing something . Can't their family handle their problems , I mean they are their problems not ours ! Sure even if I do try and help , whose to say they won't attack me ? You know how people can be ? Think I'll take a back seat and just watch and see what happens . What's the worst that could happen ? They might die ? They might just kill each other , and I go in there trying to help and they both turn on me ? No way not my problem .
                                                     See how easy it is to become de-sensitized ? See how easy it is to just not care ? You think you wanna help , but all you can think about is your own safety and if someone is going to attack you . That's quite understandable if the situation requires careful attention . But we aren't  always talking about something that dramatic . Mostly its separating yourself from things that could do with your assistance , and just help someone out .Just because you've seen it in the movies , that when you try and help an old lady across the street , she isn't necessarily going to hit you with her handbag and scream Thief . Sometimes things can be just that simple , sometimes asking do you need some help is enough . Nine times out of ten you will be turned down anyway , but on that odd occasion when someone says yes , and you get to do your stuff , its gonna make you feel connected .
                                                   Shit needs to change . We need to extract our collective heads from our collective asses , and get our humanity and our communities back . We have lost touch with who we are . We have allowed computers and phones and apps to
take away our ability to connect with each other , PHYSICALLY ! Anyone can send an insensitive e/mail or text . Why not use that thing that's under your nose do the speaking for you . I mean that's what its there for ! 


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