I Predict A Riot !

                                                        This evening I just heard of a story from an acquaintance of mine some years back , that will truly shock you and have you thinking . This person who will remain nameless , is living in Denmark and what happened has terrified the life out of him and his fellow Danish neighbours . Seemingly Syrian refugees have been making their way toward Sweden where they know the welfare system is to their liking . Now that would be sound and good if it was an orderly march . But what he has reported is everything to the contrary . The refugees have been seen walking on motorways screaming abuse at the Danes , and screaming muslim slogans . What makes this even more frightening is the fact that the vast majority of these so called refugees were in their twenties , and MALE . There were very few children seen as you would have expected because of the news coverage , and what everyone has been told .
Non Violent Demonstration !

Violent Demonstration !
                                                      I don't want to appear to be scaremongering , but with the promised influx of refugees expected here in Ireland .........................I PREDICT A RIOT !
                                And we all know who to blame when all of this goes TITS UP !


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