Bogged Down With Tedium !

                                                                  I think its time to take a vacation away from the world . I think its time to wipe my mind clean , and try and get myself back to some semblance of what I WOULD CALL NORMALITY . I have been giving things I have no way of changing , just too much attention , and its getting a little bit tiring . Its getting a very teenchy bit tedious and time consuming . The very best that you can hope for is a little more self time . And to be honest that's exactly what I need . Time to breathe , time to be able to exhale without wondering if its not making too much noise .Its just a temporary thing , I keep telling myself , but its devouring me .
                                                                 You see I have gotten myself in to a rut , where every little thing that sticks its head up I want to investigate , and get some better understanding on how to either lessen its importance , or simply fix the damn thing . But you see there lies the problem . I am complicating matters by being concerned both physically , and more importantly mentally about every event that crosses my path .Its so hard not to feel , you know ?
                                                                Take a long deep breath and swallow that air you need to sustain you . Open your eyes slowly , so very slowly , and let them engage in a wondrous dance with the moonlight , and the ever twinkling beams of starlight .Open those ears and listen kindly to every little sound that passes you by . So why do you not wonder at it all ? So why do you not take the time to just feel ? And tell me , what is it thats so important in your life that you can ignore the wonders of perfection ? Nothing is my answer , and nothing should be yours .
                                                               I am getting too bogged down with tedium .


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