Remember Keep Schtum !

                                                                I was talking to one of my informants in Dail Eireann , and what he had to say really blew me away . Now as you all know through reading my blog , my informants both inside and outside of the Dail can be relied upon always to get their facts right . And in this particular case nothing has changed .Now before I divulge this breaking news , I need all of my readership to promise under no circumstances can any of these details be shared , copied , or made public in any way . These secrets are so sensitive , you will realise when you are informed why I ask for your honesty and trust .
                                                               It has come to my attention that a certain Oil Field has been found in Ballyfermot . I told you you would be shocked . It has deposits something in the region of 200 million barrels . This information is so sensitive that I will probably go to jail having to protect my source . If the authorities in government were to find out about this expose , heads would roll . So that is why I ask you my readers , who at this stage are a very exclusive club as you all know , to keep schtum about all of this .
                                                               I will take questions in relation to this piece of drama making its way out of Dail Eireann , but they will have to be done privately . We don't want to arouse any sort of suspicion around the place . I mean its getting pretty unsafe out there , you can't tie your shoelaces without someone mentioning it in private .
                                                              Now this informant has also told me that if this is not kept quiet , there could possibly be a visit from a certain Barack Hussein Obama in the offing . You know yourselves what he and his henchmen are like ? They'd probably come over here and claim the find as theirs through some sort of distant heritage or ancestry thing .I mean we all know what they're like , they've already done it in Iran , and now they're trying to start World War 3 in Syria .
                                                             I wonder what sort of rebel force they would create over here ? In Syria you have I.S.I.S , CREATED BY the U.Sof A and the English and the Israeli's . So I wonder who and what mercenary force they would send in here to get our reserves of oil . They are devious bastards as we all know , so its imperative that we keep all of this to ourselves . Can't be letting the cat out of the bag before anything is confirmed .
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                                                            So if you read any reports from the private sector with regard to a certain Mr Enda Kenny having had physical relationships with sheep in the West of Ireland , don't panic , it seems they are all at it , and its becoming very popular in government . I mean look what David Cameron has been up to with a certain pig who will remain nameless .
This could be some sort of secret code among politicians . I mean they're riding us aren't they ?

There is something Intimately Animal about these Two !

Remember Keep Schtum !


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