The Ashkenazi's ?Who The F... Are They ?

                                                               Have you noticed of late , that everything Jewish and Israeli is being investigated , questioned and basically not believed . I mean there is a certain inevitability about everything they put out . Their collective lies , their total misuse of privilege , and their downright disrespect for everything non Jewish .
Who Changed His Name to Rothschild !
                                                              What makes matters so much worse is the fact that after world war 2 the world had sympathy for all the atrocities perpetrated on them by a Nazi regime . The survivors of that Nazi regime made their way to Palestine , and started new lives there , but nothing turned out as we have all been led to believe . Its very easy to sympathise with all that went wrong in Germany and Poland and the rest of Europe . But some things , and their outcome , were all accepted at face value , and that is something you can't do .
                                                              When you have a certain family financing both sides of a conflict , its not difficult to see what the motive for such a treacherous act is . When you realise that we are all pawns in a global attempt to control the monetary systems of the world , you kinda get an example of the bigger picture . And because we are all so busy just trying to keep our collective heads above water , it can be really difficult to see who the real perpetrators of our woes really are . But with the opening and spread of the internet , information in relation to what really went on , and is still going on today , has never been closer to our fingertips . If only we as individuals chose to access that information .
                                                             When any sort of event happens in the world , we all rub our collective heads and ask , how could this happen ? Who in their right minds could do something like that ? Why do the powers that be allow all of this terrorism and poverty happen in the first place ? I mean its beyond belief what one man is doing to another . Its beyond comprehension how the true terrorists in our society are allowed to continue their oppression by European and American facilitators . We all know who they are don't we ? How come these families have so much power ? How come these families can do anything they want in this world without fear of retribution ?
                                                             Here we are in 2015 and something awfully familiar is happening .We are sitting on the precipice of a global disaster , and do you know what's really interesting ? The majority of the world doesn

't care .Your governments don't care . They're only interested in their daily fiscal dealings with each other . Balancing the books .Trying to pay back loans to the I.M.F and the like , who I need add are funded by these same Ashkenazi Jews that we thought we were saving from Adolf Hitler .
                                                            You see all that is happening is very familiar to us all .But familiar only in a fictitious type of way . We have read and seen movies about total world domination , and we have cheered when the good guys from the good old U.S of A saved the day . Bruce Willis was like Superman . But there is no Superman around to save this day . Bruce Willis has retired only to make movies now that have no real meaning , other than make him some more millions .World domination was only fiction , was only someone's vivid imagination playing tricks on us all .
                                                           World domination IS REAL , and its been under way for a long long time now . We have been so distracted by it all . At this moment in time we haven't a clue who to believe , because everyone has their hands in the Ashkenazi's cookie jar . And what a cookie jar it is . Its time to wake up people . Its time to understand who the real enemy is . Its time to get your freedom back , that has been whittled away by Draconian laws brought about by 9/11 . Your privacy has been compromised . Its really no accident that after 9/11 , laws were put in to place in the name of your protection from terrorism . But who protects us from the evil protector ? Tell me Who ?  


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