Collateral Damage ? No One is Expendable !

                                                              So  the whole of the Euro Zone are opening its borders to the Syrian refugees fleeing from their homeland . A crisis and an event of epic proportions is unraveling right in front of our eyes . People are pledging homes for the poor unfortunates , they are pledging money and food too . And when you see the pictures of human devastation , humanity at its lowest , that I've seen in my lifetime , you kinda want to tear some politicians head off for just not doing or caring enough .Because at the end of the day , these are the bastards we have to put our continual trust in . These are the self serving scumbags who have created this awful situation , and continue to take every opportunity to abuse their positions , and screw the electorate .
                                                            Have you ever had a sense of something being planned , in such a way that you weren't privy to ? Have you at this stage of your life , asked yourself could all of this devastation and hardship being experienced by not just the Syrians , but a lot of the middle eastern countries too , have been deliberately planned ? Have you asked yourself the question that is certainly on my lips , what is going to happen in Syria now that its population wants to live elsewhere through no fault of their own ?
                                                           I had this same feeling when that asshole George W. Bush and Tony Blair were continuously telling us that there were nuclear weapons in Iraq . And we all know what happened there .Under the guise of giving the Iraqi's their freedom from Saddam Hussein , there were no weapons found but there was certainly a lot of OIL found . That was always their hidden agenda , OIL , nothing more nothing less OIL !
                                                          I am looking at this situation as I did the Iraqi situation . As we all know when the so called freedom fighters from the Good Old U.S.of A get involved somewhere , there is always some monetary reason . Be it Oil , Gas , whatever .There is always something to be gained by their involvement .
                                                         Terrorism is something that comes first hand to them . It has always been top of their to do list , and is always on the agenda . It doesn't matter if they have to kill their own people in the pursuit of being believed . If that's what needs to be done , the Good Old U.S of A can be relied upon to show their true terrorist colours . You see the land of the FREE is no longer free , it is being held together by a hidden elite . Who don't have your best interests on the top of their seemingly endless agendas . Whats the words the Americans use with pride ? Oh yes COLLATERAL DAMAGE ! That's how they look upon you as nothing more than something to be bargained with , and totally expendable .
                                                        So when your good old film stars come out and share with you the news of some problem that might or might not be happening in the far East , or in Europe , oh yes there is such a place , just remember that Barack Hussein Obama created these problems in Syria . As did David Cameron in the U.K . They funded and are still funding I.S.I.S , AND ARE STILL SELLING ARMS TO THEM , and now good old Donald Trump is carrying on where they left off .
                                                       Its so easy to distance yourselves from all of this conflict , by saying aren't we lucky its not our borders these refugees  are coming through .If that's how you justify your existence , and I suppose it probably is , just think There But For The Grace Of God Go I !


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