
Showing posts from May, 2015

Yours Truly , The Consumer !

                                                          Hey this isn't the programme I signed up to . This isn't what I asked for when I said I needed an audience to try and understand about whats up and what's down . I mean It was all supposed to be so simple , and you've turned it into something so complicated that I need an interpreter just to read the instructions . Why does it always have to be like that ? Why doesn't somebody or even some group come up with an easier way to open a blister pack . I mean it shouldn't be rocket science , and I'm sure its not , so why make it so f...... complicated ?                                                          Open letter to blister pack manufacturer...

Who the F... Am I Kidding ?

                                                              Now you have to explain why you said all of those things in the first place . There's no way you can escape without someone finding out what you've been thinking . The time has come for absolute honesty to win the day , and you do know that by doing so someones head is gonna roll . There is no way you can escape the outcome , I think by now you have realized you have reached the point of no return . Its time to do what you promised and to hell with all the opinions and input of other people . This is gonna be your decision , and yours alone . There will be no coming back from this , no matter how much you might want to . For years you have been threatening to do this and finally , finally you will have your day . The doubters will of course want to see proof of your transf...

Doing What's Right For You !

                                                   When someone you know quite well , who you do be in contact with practically every day , decides to withdraw into themselves and cannot be contacted in any shape or form , what's the right thing to do ? Do you just leave them to ponder whatever it is that's upsetting them , and hope everything turns out right ? I mean you don't want to appear as if you are bombarding them with calls or texts , no that would be just a bad idea . But you can't feel concerned without trying to do something , anything .                                                   Its normal to be concerned when someone is behaving totally out of character . The things that are always usual are just not there latel...

Damage that is Irreparable !

                                                           Have you heard the latest ? Have you heard the utter bullshit that's making its way out on to the airwaves and in newspapers with regard to the huge yes vote at the week-end ? Well a certain Cardinal Pietro Parolin the vaticans secretary of state has said that the result at the week-end was deeply saddening and a huge defeat for humanity .                                                           This guy is only second in command to the pope , and if he says it , well then the pope says it . Who do these people think they are ? I do understand that everyone is going to have an opinion on this , and it is safe to say that the church wo...

Christ ,You're Hard to Please !

                                                         I'm complaining too much , that's all I seem to do lately complain , complain , complain . Its really not good for the soul , it has a way of leaving you feeling empty and kinda separated from the rest of the agreeable people in this world . Its getting to the stage where a certain Victor Meldrew would be pleased to be compared to my character . No , there has to come a change , because a change is what I need . I need to see the positives rather than the negatives , I need to seek the sunshine and not relish the rain .                                                         I need to just start somewhere , anywhere , and avoid everything that's out...

Go Forth With Pride !

                                                            And so it has come to pass that the never ending quest for equality and the desire for love of all denominations has won the day here in Ireland . To say I was confident of the vote would be fairly accurate , if only for the reason that the Irish people are a very loving lot , and don't like the idea of somebody else suffering either emotionally or psychologically .They are very aware of the changes that are taking place in our society , they are very aware of the need to pull ourselves away from all the religious bias that has wrongly defined us for so long . It is no longer acceptable to just agree and trust a church that for so long had held sway here on this little island . All of their rules and laws were but a means to try and withhold freedom of choice from large sections ...

You Might Just Like It !

                                                            This is just a view from someone who is younger than seventy and older than sixty , just so you will understand where I'm coming from . A lot of people of my age are of the opinion that age matters when it comes to making serious and lasting decisions , and that they have the edge on accuracy and importance . Not so I am compelled to say , but that is not the way all of my age would think about it . You see wisdom doesn't necessarily come with old age , wisdom can be old , but more importantly it can and does be present among the younger generations .                                                             You are always shown ...

Whispers In The Wind !

                                                            Once upon a time there lived a group of people that were called the Colourful Rainbow Brigade . Their groups came from far and near , and the great  thing about this group was their understanding of drama , and belief in everything that sparkled . They have always been here , though large sections of the community would rather they weren't . When the vote was taken to give them the same opportunity and freedom to unite in a loving and legal partnership , now that was some day and some result ! Now I hear you ask , why have they never been allowed to be just like the rest of us and live their lives in the colourful spirit that is abundant in their masses . Well the simple answer to this is that another group of less colourful individuals decided that part of their manifesto w...

Be Brave , Be Bold , Be You !

                                                               You have this deep suspicion that something is going on . You have an idea that something is just not quite right . You can't really put your finger on it , but there's this nagging in the back of your head that every time you think about it an alarm goes off and you simply don't know why .At this stage its beginning to come between you and your sleep , and even the dog is pissed off with you waking her up in the middle of the night when she should be sleeping soundly . Its really not funny any more , and there's something telling you that whatever it is , it needs your complete attention as soon as possible . It doesn't make much sense , and all you can do is make sure its dealt with , for your own well being .               ...

Cardinal Raymond Burke , Who do you Represent ?

Raymond Burke Cardinal Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura  !                                                            So U.S cardinal Raymond Burke was having a chat with the pope during the Pope's Synod of the Family in Rome and proclaimed that gay couples shouldn't be invited to family gatherings if there are children present .Clearly because of the attitude and behaviour of the church in relation to children , he obviously meant to say that children should never be present in the company of priests and other clergy . You can easily understand his misreading of the situation . Its an obvious mistake isn't it ? ISN'T IT ?                                                     ...

Worthy Exhaustion !

                                                                 After yesterdays two blogs about the death penalty . I'm just wondering how you all felt about it . I know it was a hard one to consider , but with the way things and people including children are evolving , especially without conditions or borderlines and consequences its not hard to see where things have gone wrong . One child swipes out at another child and really hurts him , and his consequence is the bold chair ? Like hello !                                                                It really annoys me about certain parents who have no control over their little children , they are allowed to ...

Because Its The right Thing to do ! Part 2

                                                              So as I hope you have gathered , that the previous blog was purely hypothetical , and not something that has happened . I wrote it simply because I wanted you to put yourself in the shoes of the families playing with their children in that fictitious park . I wanted you to to empathize and feel the helplessness that those families would have felt after that pending catastrophe .They would have known nothing , there would have been no warning , no way of avoiding what those two men had planned because of some stupid religious/political statement they had to make on behalf of their religious beliefs .                                                  ...

Because its the Right Thing to Do ! Part 1

                                                               Its a beautiful sunny day , and the sky is blue with a smattering of little fluffy clouds . You've chosen today to be a family day , where everyone is available and willing to partake in each others company , willingly . You decide to go to the park and of course being part of the family the newly arrived puppy comes along too . Though looking at the German Shepherd puppy you've had for six months , big puppy would be a more accurate description , and she goes by the name of Lulu .                                                               Lulu is let off the leash as soon as you enter the park , and straight a...

That's Why I like Quirky ! And I love Helen Mirren too !

                                                                 You all know I'm kinda a movie buff , and there's nothing more enjoyable than sitting down and enjoying a good movie . It doesn't really matter what subject the said movie is about , the genre doesn't matter either , but if it has the capacity to grab your attention and keep that attention fixed for a couple of hours , well it has done its job . You will have lost yourself in someone else's story , and you will have either laughed , cried , supported the hero or hated the villain . Either way it has had you transfixed worrying about its outcome , and whether it'll be a  happy ever after , or it has just left you dumbfounded .                                     ...

The Deep Web , and the Bad Guys !

                                                             And now for something quite interesting , did you know that there is a very devious and dangerous side to the internet that we are not quite privy to ? It appears that when you quantify the portion percentage wise , the amount of internet we actually have access to is only twenty percent . The usual media platforms we use , plus google and all the other search engines . emails , and facebook etc, etc , is equal to that twenty percent that I spoke about . So where is the other eighty percent and what does it do I hear you ask . Well there lies the mystery .                                                             Seemingly ...

Just Another Mannequin !

                                                            Lets just start with the age old adage , what a load of bullshit . It really doesn't matter whether you are black , white , rich or poor , it really wont matter because it has turned out to be the greatest load of bollox that I you and the rest of us have probably come across .I know you're probably wondering just who or what am I talking about . Does it really matter who or what it is ? Does that have any real bearing on the feeling and emotion I am trying to get across ? Its an emotion of utter despair I feel for having burdened you with all of this in the first place . I find it difficult not to share the ins and outs of a truly torturous journey , I feel it my duty to present anything of deep emotion to you . Its what I was born to do . Leonard Cohen used to do it , and if it...

An Identity Crisis !

                                                                Have I been conspicuous by my absence over the previous few days ? Maybe I have maybe I haven't , but what I have been is disinterested . To such a degree I have been sounding out my inner feelings and thoughts , and we have had a good conversation with each other . We have informed each other that it is no longer acceptable to be argumentative about things that might crop up , and that at all times we should be on the same page . Now that sounds a lot easier than it actually is , as we don't always see eye to eye .                                                                As everyone knows feelings and...

Optimist / Pessimist , Which one are You ?

                                                         Do you know what word I love ? Well do you ? Its the word optimism . Everyone uses it , they actually live their lives by it . Every morning you wake up and think , I know today is going to be a nice day . Where you have the pessimist , which happens to be my most least loved word , who says to themselves I know today is going to be the worst day of my life .                                                         Sometimes if you think about it , the pessimist has an advantage over the optimist . You see if it does turn out to be a shit kinda day , at least they won't be disappointed , and if it turns out to be a good day for them well its a kinda ...

What we Need is Big Kahunas !

                                                                  There's rules for this , and there's rules for that , there's so many rules you just feel so restricted in your life . You cannot breathe for the smothering by these rules and regulations . You cannot watch this before a certain time , you cannot in some countries kiss in public . Its alright to portray scenes of utter violence and depravity in the movies , but when a couple are doing what come naturally there's an 18 certificate posted on the movie .                                                                   Your whole life is a series of do's and dont's , and god help anyone who happens ...

Abi's Day !

                                                                   Yesterday was a good day . We celebrated the first communion of our good friends daughter Abi . She was absolutely beautiful , and was perfectly behaved throughout the day . We were lucky in a sense as the rain kept away till the evening , and at that stage we had made our way home to the forecasted rain . All in all a hugely enjoyable day .                                                                    We were invited to a dinner in celebration at the Osprey Hotel in Naas Co. Kildare , an absolutely beautiful venue .We sat for dinner and as always being  smokers my wife and I...

YES , YES , YES 22nd MAY !

                                                          On Friday May the 22nd , there will be a referendum in Ireland for people in same sex relationships to be able to have marriage equality just like the rest of us . Now hold on to that thought Just Like Th Rest of Us , because that's exactly what it is all about . Being accepted  , being free to express themselves , and not having to defend their right to fair play . Fair play is right that should apply to everybody , but alas previous politicians and institutions have this horrible ability to make others feel and have to live like lepers .                                                          The biggest hurdle has always been the ch...