Told You So !

                                                           There was a time , probably like us all , that things that went on in my life be they good or bad , had no real effect on me , other than they were just something else to remember . Life was just too fast for us all , and we were always too busy getting ourselves ready to either go out or just relaxing after some strenuous activity . We had more important issues to deal with than what happened in the world .Then you learn about perspective . You suddenly understand that your contribution to the good and bad in the world is but a grain of sand on this human beach we call life .
                                                           Its always been a mystery to me , that when I think of other people , I tend to either like them or dislike them . There is never an in between . Maybe ,

doesn't really do it for me . I just loathe , you know what people call grey area's ? That place of indecision , that limbo of a waiting room , until you have the time to decide yay or nay .
                                                           Some people can just accept someone new in their lives , and chat to them as if they were long lost relatives . Me ? Well I have this uncanny ability in sussing out someone before a friendship or relationship is allowed to start . I am a divil for reading body language , and listening as opposed to talking when someone new is introduced to me . Now as my wife will profess to this , she isn't always impressed by my .................lets just say distant approach to someone new . She will always say , give them a chance . But if I have decided in my head that this person is not for knowing , then nine times out of ten that's the way it goes . There are times I get it completely wrong , but as I said 9 out of 10 is just about right .
                                                           Its not really a nice quality to have , if that's what you'd call it , but it does have its advantages . You tend to just walk away when certain types of bullshit are on the menu . As I have learnt , time is much too short to have to deal with bullshit . And when you hear it , and you can definitely see that the shit delivery is coming , well unlike the others that feel they have to listen because of some false respect for whats going to come , I can and will and have just walked away . Looking back at the faces full of rolling eyes , I just say to myself  " Told you So "  


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