The Enlighteners !

                                                               Its been kinda a quiet day . There hasn't been much getting up my nose of late , and I find that quite disconcerting . As you all know even if there's nothing happening I can dream something up and just put it out there . What has me all a quietness , well your guess is as good as mine , but if it continues I may just find myself a new way of passing the time that doesn't require too much thought .
                                                              Though I have been very happy with the increase in the readership .My words of wisdom know no bounds . They are sent to me from on high , from the wilderness that is the human psyche , and other unfortunate vessels we shall just call The Enlighteners . I know its a sinister title , but they who come to me in the darkness , have to be called something , and more importantly if they are not given pride of place on the mantle piece , they will just refuse to share their other-worldly wisdom , And that is something we have to prevent , I mean where do you think I get all of my stories and information . I don't just make it up , I have to have some kind of source , and fortunately they are it .
                                                             I am really writing this blog in reply to hundreds of questions asking me about how I source my material . You do understand I am coming up to my 900 th blog , and that sort of sharing is just the tip of the iceberg I need add . I started out with a target of maybe 50 blogs maybe , but as I have gone on the more information has been shared with me . I tried my best to wean myself off this sharing , but the more I tried the more I was roped in by curious but very interesting individuals . There were company's and organisations that wanted to contribute , but I had to limit the outside influence to just information shared .
                                                           It took me a while to stand up as opposed to crawling along , but I appear to have gotten my blogging fingers adjusted . None of these things would have happened without your most important contributions and most of all comments and ideas . As I said before keep those comments coming , and when you finish a blog F.F.S SHARE !


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