The Prime Candidate Part 2 !

                                                          Now to understand what I am talking about here in part 2 , its kinda necessary to have read part 1. Its not compulsory I need add , but you'll have a better understanding of what this comment is about . So with all of the introductions out of the way , let me proceed .
                                                         Knowing and understanding how people are chosen for jobs , will give you an understanding of what life is all about . Forever and a day , we have been interviewed , we have been instructed , we have been taught , we have been lectured , but most importantly we have always been equated in some shape or form . From the day we were born , we have been put into separate categories , with details as well as numbers . Mr & Mrs for example , 123456789 your social number for example , Male & Female e.g. and so on and so on .
                                                        The question I want to ask here is , if all of these questions apply to how we categorise each and every individual , and we volunteer every detail of ourselves as a pre-requisite to being a member of society , Why in the name of God do we not have aptitude tests , psychic evaluation tests ,common sense tests , empathy tests , and above all else a caring test for Stupid , Moronic , Psychotic , Inept , Ill Informed fucking politicians ?
                                                       These jobs that are filled by so many gobshites , who having left school are suddenly in control of some important department in government , and just because their uncle happens to be a minister . They climb the ladder of cabinet , first being a backbencher , and then on to their own department . They have no obvious empathetic skills , having never been in contact physically or emotionally

with any household needing benefit or care . They have one motto and one motto only , and that is the Party motto . Which basically means fuck everyone other than ourselves the governing party . You can dress this up as much as you like . You can play with words all day and explain with so many reasons why Patrick Murphy who died on the streets of Dublin last night went under the very social radar that was set up to prevent such misery .You can explain to his children why Patrick died the way he did , alone , broken by a system that took his job away while the Oligarchs and Bankers of our downtrodden society got away Scott free . You can try and explain why Patrick took to the streets a broken depressed isolated man , who slept with same minded individuals under lamp posts , with nothing but the heat from the light and some cardboard to keep him warm .
                                                     This is no fairy story , this is an event that's happening to too many families and all because of a government that have no understanding of need , have no feeling of empathy , and who continue on a path to obvious failure . These individuals who have never been assessed for those jobs they walked into because of family . Have never been screened for Psychosis , have never been tested in understanding , and are still allowed to dictate whether we can drink water or not .Have medical help or not , or in other words survive or not .
                                                    It is time to throw out all we have ever considered the norm . It is time to consider an alternative , because ill informed  inexperienced people running our lives cannot go on . They should be stripped of their position and deemed incompetent . Because that's exactly what they are, Incompetent Buffoons .  Its time to take back the running of the asylum , the lunatics have had it for far too long !                                  


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