Attention Sandra King ( Do You Have Similar Stories ? )

                                                                  You sit in the waiting room waiting for your name to be called . You're trying to pass the time by reading something , anything that'll take your mind off the next hour or so . This is one appointment that's at the bottom of your list of things to do , but it needs to be done , and unfortunately today's the day .
                                                                  You can handle most things that are thrown at you , because you have no real choice in the matter . But when it comes to this particular appointment , lets just say you'd rather lie on a bed of nails . Its not that you're cowardly , its not that you haven't the stomach for certain things , its like , you could think of a million other things you could be doing at this moment in time . Things that matter , things that are important , or rather more importantly , than what you have signed up for here . And its not going away anytime soon . The longer you leave it the worse your anxiety gets . You start getting nervy , you're overwhelmed with this terrible feeling of nausea . A lone bead of sweat drips from under your armpit , and lands on your inner arm . And what's worse is you forgot to put on some deodorant .
                                                                  What could this terrible thing be that's so all consuming ? What is this event that can so powerfully instill so much fear in you , so much so you just want to throw up ? Well I will tell you exactly what is , its your appointment with the pedicurist who is going to touch and stroke your feet as if its going out of fashion . They are going to toy with your toes , and massage your feet , all the while tickling you appallingly in the process . While there is a term for being tickled specifically by feathers called Pteronophobia , as of today there isn't a term for an  overall tickling aversion . So lets just call it Tickleophobia .
                                                                  Now as everyone knows tickling can be a fun thing to do , and being tickled if you are not of the Tickleophobia variety
 of people can be sometimes enjoyable .But if you are cursed with that phobia , being tickled is not an enjoyable experience .
                                                                  Having had this illness for some years , a friend of mine who goes quite regularly to the pedicurist has some very simple techniques that helps them get over their fear of being tickled . When going to see their pedicurist , who understands this particular problem by the way , they bring along some leg and arm restraints . These are used quite simply to prevent  the possibility of someone getting a slap . Now at this stage most of the customers in the pedicurists understand and know about this persons illness . But you will always get the few who don't . and to see their expressions when the arm and leg restraints are attached , needs to be seen to be believed .
                                                                 I bet when you were reading the first few paragraphs of this blog you were thinking Dentist . Was I right ? Attention Sandra King , do you have similar stories ?  


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