Me Personally , I don't give a Shit !

                                                              In another lifetime it was easy to be yourself , just yourself . You were a wonder of the modern world , and it hurt not being able to be a little flamboyant , because of who you were and who you were supposed to be . With the passing of time that difficulty has practically disappeared , and that passing makes it so much easier to be your real self .
                                                             The timing of so many events and happenings seem quite random , until you actually think about it . Random is something being accidentally unexpected , surprise beyond expectation that makes you think that maybe things are not random at all . Possibly in fact they could be all set out for you . A kinda feeling of fate and no control over events . Do you ever feel this way ? That no matter what decision you make , good or bad it will have been the decision you were always going to make . And no matter how many times you change your mind , you will always end up with the decision that was pre-destined for you to make .
                                                            What if we are all just on a journey of discovery ? What if there is no right and there is no wrong ? What if its all just about being . I mean there are times when I can get so confused by events and people's attitudes toward each other , that it really does raise the question , To whom does it matter most if you lose or you succeed ? Who is it that has your back fully covered in times of angst or frustration ? I f you can answer any of those questions with honesty and confidence , it appears you have reached a state of self understanding .
                                                           When I write and think like this it can be somewhat over powering . It can take most of your energy just to try and make sense of it all . You don't have to be a genius to understand that valuing a connection with others is the right way to go . How could you survive otherwise ? But at the same time there are plenty of people who choose to go the other way and perceive their dependency on connectivity as being weak , and devoid of who they truly want to be . And more importantly , how they want to appear to others .
                                                          Me Personally , I don't give a Shit !


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