Please Tell Me Why !

                             Remember when you went to school , no matter whether it was primary or secondary , the level of respect you , as well as your family had for the teachers and the nuns ? If you came home from school after getting slapped by a nun or a teacher , the first thing that was said was sure you probably deserved it . This was the level of respect families had for the teaching establishment , giving them full support for their actions and the handing down of punishment to their children . They trusted these people to be fair , and anyway that's the way it was .
                           Then these same children were taught to be good Catholics , learning every single word in their Catechism's , never wanting to let their teacher or their class down . The Parish Priest would from time to time look in on these religious classes just to make sure everything was done to make sure the boys and girls were truly up to scratch with their holy Catholic education . These people too , just like the teachers , Christian Brothers and nuns , were respected in a way that , looking back now , seems pretty creepy . You were in essence handing over the safety , both physical and mental , to strangers who just happened to work inside the confines of Public Schools . Everybody , one and all trusted and respected these people .
                                                                            You then , as you got older and started working , opened a bank account where you could save your money and maybe in time , secure a loan to buy a house or a car .The bank manager in his element , was God . He decided whether you were made of the right stuff to be given this loan or not , you were so much depending on . His toes would be kissed , if the decision went your way . He was trusted , he was respected , just like the others mentioned .
                                                                            You marry , you have children , and you then decide to partake in this wonderful thing called democracy . You are now well aware of how much you are being taxed for everything , and like everybody else you want to protest about it . You decide come election day that you will put all of your trust in the local candidate , who just happened to go to the same school as yourself . You put your trust in him , you respect him , and foolishly just like all of the others that went before  , They Fuck You Up .
                                                                            Every one of these people that you ever put your trust in , and every one of them that you respected without hesitation , continuously lied through their collective arses . They showed nothing but the utmost disrespect to you , your children , the elderly and the poor . But do you really know what the worst thing is ? THEY ARE STILL DOING IT AND NOBODY CARES . We have an election to change things we are unhappy about , and what happens ? THE PEOPLE ELECT THE SAME LYING SCUMBAGS INTO GOVERNMENT .
                                        PLEASE SOMEBODY EXPLAIN THIS TO ME . PLEASE TELL ME WHY .


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