Are You Really Serious America ?

                                                                     I have never been surprised by any of the strange and utterly ludicrous laws that are in force in many States of the U.S of A . From preventing people feeding the homeless on the streets of their cities , to the three strikes and you're out rule . The further you look into the system of law and politics the more confused and angry you get . So with that in mind , I came across this little bit of information , that anybody who tried to defend their laws , might just think twice when they stare at the truth and wonder truly , What The F... is wrong with our country ?
                           As you look at this poster , ask yourselves Is This a True Example Of the American justice system . Is this where you are right now ?  It has been proven that cannabis oil is successful in the treatment of certain illnesses , so if you don't happen to be in a State where its legal , you face THIRTY years in prison just because you want to try and save yourself from a certain painful ending . How can you people justify and tolerate such Draconian laws ? It begs belief !
                         And then you have the former Speaker of the House , Mr. Dennis Hastert who is facing SIX MONTHS in jail for raping FIVE LITTLE BOYS . Are you serious America ? Is this the way you protect your children from dirty monsters like Mr Hastert ? Why am I not surprised that America's values are being flushed down the toilet ?
                                      America get your house in order , You are an absolute disgrace . If only it weren't so serious , your inaction would be laughable !


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