Identifying the Corporate New World Order Agenda !

                                                                           Listening to politicians and their promises and all of the things they are going to do when they get elected can be rather annoying at times . You see , if you don't know already , I am always on the lookout for people who just might mean what they say when they decide to try and get themselves elected . I always look for a kind of sincerity that is always sadly lacking in the majority of our elected representatives . A look that says I mean what I say , and am prepared to lose everything in my quest to try and change things for the better . I am going to put my political life and character on the line for the people who mandated me to do certain things on their behalf . I will be true to my backers and followers , and if I fail it won't be for the lack of effort on my behalf .
                                                                          That's what I would like to see in someone I just voted for , someone with a strong commitment that would give me some hope for change .
                                                                          So with that all said , let me just let you in on a little secret that maybe just maybe some of you are not privy to . A long time ago , a secret plan was put together by a few very very rich families , that would bring together the world and all of its nations under the one umbrella . It was done for one reason and one reason only , to enslave ninety nine percent of the world population .It was done in such a way , that before we even became aware of it , the plan and its development was well in place and on the road to making it a huge success .
                                                                          The first part of the plan was to divide and conquer . As with all plans of taking over a country , or in this case countries , it is easier to control governments if they happen to be bound together by similar outlooks and agendas . So the first part of the plan was to divide the world into four quarters , and then ultimately join those four quarters into one world government . A New World Order if you will .
                                                                          The first part of their plan is in operation at the moment , that being the setting up of the four quarters I spoke of Earlier . The E.U being one quarter , The whole of Africa being another  , Asia would come next , and then the America's . By doing this and having a central government just like the one the E.U have in Brussels , country populations are no longer asked about whether they support something or not , because their representatives , who were elected , and represent your country ,  vote on behalf of their electorate . Simple really .
                                                                         So when you say to your friends in conversation , "Sure we don't have a say in how things are introduced any more " , you have never been so right . You have no say , you have no input , they are dictating everything that will effect you directly , and indirectly , and will do so UNLESS WE ALL WAKE THE FUCK UP !
                                                                         This is where we are right now in a nutshell , being told what to do whether we like it or not . Being told we must pay for water , so that at a later stage , it can be sold off to some private corporation , who will charge you an arm and a leg just to have a shower .
                                                                         Be careful world what you sit back and accept without understanding all of the ramifications . Be careful who you trust with your vote . There is a very real corporate agenda at work here , who are trying desperately to enslave us all . Time to stand up and smell the coffee World .


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