Methinks Not , So Surprise Me !

                                        Now this little ditty is for all of you Americans who have and  still are continuously supporting these Mad Bastards .They lie , they misdirect , they are screwing you all as if it's Screw any American Citizen Day . And what's worse is that you are doing absolutely nothing about it .
                                        Just like the poster says , We don't negotiate with terrorists , no need to , sure haven't we created all of them ? Haven't we armed all of them ? Haven't we financed all of them ? Heaven knows why you are the most disliked and distrusted nation on the face of this planet ? I don't have to spell it out for you all .But do yourselves a little favour , you never know you might just like it , Start saying no . Start a movement of civil disobedience . Start thinking in terms of non compliance . F.F.S Do something . Let the worlds population see that you aren't all just  sitting back in your armchairs waiting for something to happen . You make it happen . Do you all collectively have the balls or not ? METHINKS NOT ! SO SURPRISE ME . 


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