If He looks Like an Idiot , and Behaves like an Idiot , He's A Fucking Idiot ! Attention Enda The Idiot Kenny , Micheal The Moron Martin !

                                                                    I used to think that the rearing of children was the most difficult thing in the world , until I took an interest in the world and how it functions . You wake up every day to a new catastrophe . The news is full of such sad sad stories of the plight of people just trying to survive around the world . And then because these news corporations have hidden agendas and all sorts of ulterior motives , you don't really know whats true and whats untrue .False flags everywhere . Supposed attacks on innocent civilians that in some cases were proven to be staged . Like what in the name of God are they up to ? Where and when is this all going to end ?
                                                                   When we were kids the nearest thing you got to news , was when you went to the cinema and you watched the Pathe News . We did have black and white televisions , and there was news on , but with the coming of coloured televisions and the internet , there is a real sense of saturation out there now . I am not for one moment saying we were better off then , because most of the time we were quite literally in the dark .But here we are now and the news service is so much more varied , and so deep in its coverage of things , that this saturation is definitely distracting .
                                                                   Just look at the people who are out there hoping to become president of the United States . Donald the Fascist Trump , Hilary (The Lying Bitch ) Clinton , are you for real America ? Is this the best that you can come up with ? Do you honestly think these are credible candidates ? What they are quite simply is , a sick Fuc.... Joke .
                                                                  Now we all know that they are up there for a specific reason . They are there to distract you from whats really going on . They are cartoon characters . Homer Simpson would be a more credible candidate than these two ass holes .
                                                                  I think its quite significant , that something resembling what is going on over there is playing itself out over here in Ireland . You have two parties who for the last five or six weeks .since a general election was held , cannot resolve their differences and form a government . Why I hear you ask ? Because neither of its leaders has a fucking brain cell between them . They are both leaders of political parties who are the scourge of the working class , and whats worse is that even if we have another election these same thieving lying bastards will probably be elected again . Thats how bad we are over here in Ireland . Continually putting our trust in politicians who basically don't know their arse from their elbow . No so unlike your politicians in America .
                                                                  Things will never change unless the electorate change . They have to change from frightened little sheep , into concerned voices for change . They have to stop being led by Idiots posing as intelligent people . They have to stop relying on fools who only want to line their own pockets . If he behaves like a moron , and if he looks like a moron , and if he smells like a moron , THEN HE'S A FUCKING MORON . Take note Enda the idiot Kenny , and Micheal the moron Martin .


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