How Dare You Interfere Mr Barack Hussein Obama !

                                                                    Following on from yesterday's blog , I just want to share with you all some of my newest observations . As you know this is something I like to do , and from the reaction to yesterdays piece , some of these observations may just strike a chord somewhere along the internet line , hopefully bringing an agreement to something you were already considering or thinking about .
                                                                   As an avid follower of world news and events , I always take an interest in comments and interference made by other countries in relation to our political status on this side of the world . As you probably all know by now the United Kingdom are giving their electorate a chance to decide their future , by having a referendum on whether to stay in the E.U. or not . At least no matter what the outcome is , the electorate will be able to say to themselves at least they had a vote on this and it wasn't shoved down their collective throats without prior consultation .
Nothing Much More To Say Methinks !
                                                                  Brexit as it is being called , has millions of supporters who have been canvassing relentlessly to exit Europe , and in their own words the sooner the better . They have many staunch supporters including the Mayor of London Boris Johnson in their ranks . He is actually going against the party line on this , as the Prime Minister David (The Hog) Cameron and the majority of the rest of his cabinet seem to think that by staying in Europe it would be in the best interests of the public at large .
                                                                 My own opinion for what it is worth , is that the sooner Europe is dismantled from being the first step to a New World Order , spelled out last night in yesterday evening's blog , the better . I have no feeling of safety or trust toward a world governed by one government , with one global currency , with no possibility of input by ourselves The Disbelieving Public . I dislike the idea of not being able to identify yourself any more . I completely abhor the idea of some American corporation deciding me and my family's fate . You may think that what I am saying is a little hard to believe . Say that to all of the poor bastards who have lost their homes and their finances as a result of big banking screwing them over .But that is not my main topic of conversation here .My main argument here is .................................
                                                                The open disregard for the British people , and how they will vote , is as insulting as it is disrespectful . I think we all know what Mr Obama's agenda is . I think at long last we all know who he represents . , and I'll give you a little hint , It's definitely not the people in their homes trying to make ends meet that elected this Stain on democracy . Lets just say being a puppet and jumping and dancing at the end of a piece of string string really really suits this man . Black America cheered and welcomed Mr Hussein Obama . Ask them now how they feel . If they had the chance they would string him up for the way he has sold everybody out . His mission was never to bring hope to the masses , that was a blatant lie . Just
by his association with the people who are screwing us all , tells you where his true feelings lye . And unfortunately for the electorate , it is not with them . 


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