The Imperfect Rite of Passage !

                                                                     It takes time to get to know people don't you think ? You befriend someone . You socialize with them . Sometimes you even get to know their families and other friends , and sometimes you befriend them too . Its a gamble you are taking . I mean before you met them , you hadn't a clue what they were like , and so you go through the process of finding out whether you have anything in common . As I said its a bit of a lottery , but the one good thing about it is , that if you befriended a psycho you won't be long hitting the road and never looking back . And then sometimes you are rewarded with friendships you would never end or exchange . And that's what makes the process so worth while , don't you think ?
                                                                    On the other hand , you don't exactly have that luxury when it comes to your family . Yes you can distance yourself from them if that's what you want . But the irreversible truth is that they it or not are in your life for the rest of your existence .
                                                                    When you are young there will always be that sibling rivalry that everybody suffers . I was right , you were wrong , and in the end it doesn't really matter , because this is how growing up was meant to be . If you are lucky , you will nurture your family relationships , if they are worth nurturing . But if they are not , and you couldn't be bothered , days will pass into weeks . Weeks will pass into months , and months will pass into years not having any sort of reasonable contact with these people you are bound to by blood .
                                                                    And these sort of situations with brothers and sisters can be the best thing to do in difficult conditions where being right is the reason you were separated in the first place . Now to be honest I cannot afford to give advice on how things should be dealt with in these sort of circumstances . But I do like commenting on them anyway , even if it's to please my inability to understand how some families can function properly , and some families don't .
                                                                    You would like to think that in circumstances of sickness to ones brother or sister , father or mother , that you would all rally round and make someones passing , as easy and free from conflict as a family should . That's the perfect scenario . But as we all know from experience , being perfect , acting perfect , or just pretending to be perfect is not as simple as some might think . Do the right thing ! Say the right thing ! But maybe because of circumstances doing the right thing , for you , is not the same as what somebody else expects from you .
                                                                   You are free to take whatever path in life you choose . No matter what it will always be your decision . Sometimes you choose the wrong path and you live to regret that decision . Being perfect is impossible . Trying to be perfect is a weight we tie around each others necks . I have found to my astonishment , that freeing yourself from that consumer fed lifestyle is both liberating and healthy . Certainly in terms of your mental health . So go do yourself an enormous favour , and tell all of

those perfect people , with their perfect bodies , and their perfect teeth , with their so so perfect lives , to go and look at themselves in the mirror . And admit to exactly what and who is looking back at them . 


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