Scumbags ! |
Getting back to something that resembles normality , we have been informed over the last week that there will be a general election here in Ireland at the end of this month .This election has been a long time coming , and the electorate are chomping at the bit to kick some political ass . You see a certain two ass holes and their respective parties , have been screwing this country up for too long now . They have LIED to the electorate . They have shamelessly toyed with peoples feelings and emotions . They have lined their own pockets as you would expect from Fine Gael and the Labour Party . And after telling us all how fiscal and austere we were all expected to be , they screwed up the countries books to the tune of 2 BILLION EURO . What do you think of that Benjy ?
Enda( The Scab ) Kenny , Joan ( The , I can't seem to remember my previous election promises ) Burton , and the rest of their arrogant , uncaring , misleading scumbags , will never see the light of an electors vote again . You have all shamed yourselves with empty promises and the like . Your fiscal inaccuracy is now down on paper for all to behold . I mean 2 BILLION EURO , W T F ?
The Unholy Alliance ! |
I AM GOING TO KEEP THIS BLOG SHORT AND BITTER . When the people of Ireland come out at the end of the month and vote , there will be an almighty swing to the left . People are coming from every corner of the world to vote you bastards out . Even something unheard of before , students registering to vote in anticipation of a Fine Gael and Labour bloodbath . Oh the joy that will be felt by the masses . Oh the lies that will be exposed . Jail would be my answer to you all , in a prison run by the poor bastards you put there for not being able to pay their mortgages . For not being able to give their children a good Christmas . People who were sent to prison just for defending the constitution . People who were left on trolleys for weeks because you said there was no money to throw into the system . 2 BILLION EURO , you overpaid sons of bitches .
From my rhetoric its not hard to determine what side of the fence I am on . Good , at least we have that cleared up . Now bring on the end of February rather swiftly .
I apologize in advance
Of Course you can , and what's more WE BELIEVE YOU ! |
for causing any offence with this angry rhetoric . This is rather a sore subject in my Universe as my usual readership will attest to . I want no misunderstanding on this subject . At the end of this month go out and vote , and make history .
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