People of Ireland , WILL YOU NEVER LEARN ?

                                                                    I am sorry to say that when someone does something unfavourable toward a society or person it can tend to make your self preservation antennae stand up . It makes you a little more cautious when it comes to having any more dealings with them , I think that's safe enough to say ? I mean as the old saying goes " Fool me once shame on you , Fool me twice shame on me .I have always been of that opinion and to be honest it has always stood me in good stead too .
                                                                   How anyone , having been shit upon by a society or some individual , can just sit back and allow the same thing to happen again is truthfully beyond me . Do people have such short memories that don't include personal abuse that has happened to them over and over again ? Do they not understand that in life and politics they do have a choice ? Do they not grasp the importance of , if its broke , then it needs to be fixed ? And not fixed with something so close to who f..... it up in the first place , that you couldn't tell one from the other ?
                                                                  Well there you have it in a nutshell . We the sheep of Ireland have done it again . As we have done for the past 80 years . We threw out a party in the previous election because they sold us down the river . They literally fu.... up our banking system . When they needed to be radical and not accept Europe's dictatorial recommendations , they simply caved and lost our economical future and position . We replaced them with what turned out to be a mirror image of who we threw out .
                                                                  Now here we are with election 2016 , and the scumbags and liars we got rid of because of their incompetence have been re-elected . Now these two parties Fine Gael and Fianna Fail have been sworn enemies in politics for longer than I care to remember , and have sworn publicly and nationally that they would never EVER go into a coalition together . Do you think for one minute that they will keep that promise to their supporters ? Methinks not . What people fail to remember is that first and foremost being elected is simply a way of lining their own pockets . They will promise you this that and the other , but in the end politics is about self serving people who have no consideration for the electorate and never have . Fact !
                                                                 Which makes it even more preposterous that they should elect them again .I know I tend to go on a little when it comes to people behaving like sheep with their heads up their collective arses , but this has to stop . Simply put that sort of apathy could easily lead to something very  ugly  . It is not beyond the realms of possibility that certain sections of the community , i.e the poor and the unemployed could take to the streets just like they did in Greece . I do know we are regarded as a laid back type of nationality , but when it comes to stupidity , patience and rhetoric is just not going to do it .
                                                                 At the time of writing this piece , there are still more seats to be filled . And if subsequently there is another election , F.F.S. people do the right thing and throw these Fine Gael and Fianna Fail scumbags to the side of the road . They deserve nothing less for the shite they have caused .


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