Get Down to that Polling Station and Vote . NOW !

                                                                     This little piece will be short and sweet . I just feel that it needs to be said and that people need to be reminded about certain things .
                                                                     While you're maybe at home today , or in work , and you've had not a particularly nice day , and you're saying to yourself its a bit cold out there , and its pissing rain too . Do I really need to go ALL THE WAY DOWN to the polling station to cast my vote ? Sure my vote won't matter in the least , ah f... it I'll just sit here on facebook or something and relax . Yeah that's just what I'll do , no worries .
                                                                     All I will say to that sort of attitude is " Get your skinny arse down to that polling station NOW ! " Do you not realize that millions of people around the world have died giving you that vote . And now because you have had a shit day , all you want to do is relax ? Get your F...... shit together and do whats right . NOW !
                                                                     Other than that , do have a lovely day .
                                        Hugs and Kisses as always XOXOX


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