Drake is Calling Me !

                                                              There have been an awful lot of people asking me for a more definitive explanation to last nights blog . I have had correspondence from The United Arab Emirates where there are a few readers enthralled by my rather obtuse view of the world . That was the words they used so don't quote me on this . But then seeing as you are all so intimate with my meanderings , quoting me on anything is a rather silly thing to even think of . Sure at any given moment I cannot remember or even care to remember what I said the previous evening . And the only evidence of what was said is the bloody blog itself . Sure that's no proof at all , someone might have just interfered with my ever so perfect wording , what with my memory the way it is , I could neither accept or deny what has been written .
                                                              Its gonna be short and sweet this evening , I neither have the time or the inclination to add more to this piece . Any way Drake from " Uncharted " is calling me , and you ignore that mean motherf..... at your peril . I will get back to you tomorrow , so until then I would like to wish you all a wonderful and positive evening . Hopefully its the start to a wonderful and positive week-end . Hugs and Kisses XOX .


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