The Evil One is Abroad !

                                                                      I had two visitors on my doorstep today . A middle aged man , and an equally middle aged woman . Before they arrived I had seen them coming up the driveway , and was about to welcome them , as you do . I opened that hallowed door , and looked at what they were going to try to peddle to me . And suddenly there it was in both of their hands the evil pamphlets , bearing the evil ones image . They tried to open a conversation with me , but I was fast . Before they either could utter a word on behalf of the evil one , I said quite directly , and firmly , " Go away hence from this Door , you representatives of the evil one , and do not darken my brightly lit door with your presence ever again " . They took the slight to their obvious enthusiastic approach well . But on hearing my admonition , they scattered like some demons being pursued by the holy one .
                                                                      I don't have many foes in this world , but when faced with the politics and mantra of the evil one , a very thin line has been crossed . A line that to me is sacred in it's damnation of unholy entities . I tried following them with some holy water , but they must have realized , that the door they had just knocked upon , was a door to uncompromised  beliefs .
                                                                     I was slow with my attack . That holy water should have been closer to hand . I will not fail again . Tis the season of  Liars and  Opportunists , tis the season of being led in to an abyss . The garbage that is generally known as politicians , are swanning around our doorsteps , begging for support . What they tend to forget , are
And just a reminder of Two Other Scumbags !

the lies they told on previous visits . Under the guise of economic pressure and austerity pushed upon us by continuous inept and incompetent politicians , they will now try to attract our support with promises of this that and the other .
                                                                    During this period of scavenging , it is important , no , it is Vital to stand your ground and to always remember , that these insensitive bastards are the scum of the earth and should be treated that way . They have pilfered your pockets , they have made decent people homeless . They have brought the strongest to tears when they tore the ground from under them , and left them broken and skint .
                                                                    The evil one Burton will not be entertained . The rat that is Kenny will surely get his , with the help of Karma and fairness . Do not be distracted by idle promises . Do not let your head be turned by the smiles of their representatives . Stand tall , and keep those instincts sharp .


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