Have a happy & PEACEFUL Remembrance Sunday !

                                                             Remembrance Sunday , I am sure everyone has their own opinions on the subject , and I am just about to share mine . That's what is known as freedom of speech , something that is slowly being whittled away by governments and big Business . Because quite simply they want you to be submissive , to do as asked , and to play along with their savage dictating of how we should live our lives .
                                                            You see the 99% suffer from and altruistic sense of fair play , and good will to others . That is not top of the 1%'s agenda . No , they continue to sell their arms to anyone who will pay them . They supply terrorists as we all have continuously been informed , without guilt or apology .They send their royal representatives to countries , and promote the sale of arms indiscriminately .
                                                           And then the same BASTARDS turn up on Remembrance Sunday and lay wreaths at the graves of the fallen , killed by the same arms they supplied in the first place .How ironic is that ? Elizabeth the Queen was there , Tony ( They have nuclear weapons in Iraq ) Blair was there , David ( The Pig ) Cameron was there , and last but not least good old John Major was there .
                                                          Doesn't it make you sick , to think that at the expense of millions of lives , a certain few added billions
 to their bank accounts ? As I said at the start of this piece , this is my opinion , but I guarantee , that if the millions who died on both sides of any war knew in advance about how Royalty , and big business , had used their lives to line their pockets , methinks their opinions on defending King and Country might have been a little different . These are my thoughts , my ideas , my frustrations watching the hypocrites pretend that they actually care and have feelings on the subject .
                                                          In my eyes , like so many others , who may not like to express their opinions as openly as me , all of these corrupt royals and politicians deserve to be flogged and horsewhipped like the poor fallen heroes who fought so bravely and diligently for their feelings of patriotism . And when those heroes came back from their wars , destroyed mentally and physically , were they treated with the respect and care they deserved ? I'll let you think about that one , but I know in my heart what the answer was .
                                                         In future wouldn't it be more thoughtful and respectful , if the lying contemptuous BASTARDS just stayed away ? And let honest heroes be surrounded by honest friends and honest  family . On this Sunday the 8th November 2015 , let Remembrance Sunday be about peace , and not about those people who sell war . 


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