Child Beauty Pageants Kinda Gives the Game Away !

                                                           Hello America , nice to see a little bit of interest from the land of the Free (NOT) and the home of the Brave ! Suddenly there is interest out there in what really is important to the 99% .I do not want to give the impression that I am slagging off Americans ad infinitum , just your rule makers and politicians who have always had a hidden agenda . And that same agenda was never one that was going to be of any benefit to ordinary folk . I think you have already come to grips with what they are doing , please say you have .
                                                          So , staying in that sort of territory , I have just found out that some of your so called university academics are promoting Pedophilia . It could only happen in America .It was all part of a conference that was titled " Classifying Sex : Debating DSM-5 ". Now this conference had in attendance some speakers who were in favour of having  sex with children , which in any mans terms means supporting Pedophilia . Yes ?
                                                         One of the speakers , a certain Mr. Tom O' Carroll ,a multiple child sex offender , and longtime campaigner for the legalisation of sex with children , who just happens to be the head of The Pedophilia Information Exchange , expressed himself , saying how wonderful he felt , that it was a rare few days when he felt relatively popular .
                                                        You would wonder who would promote such discussions on child sex wouldn't you ? Any normal human being would be abhorred by such a stance . The American Psychiatric Association ( A P A ) were the ones who produced this , wondering whether Hebephilia should be included as a sexual disorder . Hebephilia = Adults having sex with 11-14 year olds .
                                                        Children are children , and anyone who expresses otherwise are showing their support for such an evil practice . America , you are not the only country in the world with these sort of views , the practice of pedophilia is rampant . But when university academics entertain ANY IDEA of child sex as being acceptable , you are showing quite obviously where you stand on the matter .
                                                       I will simply add one more comment to this article . Have you ever considered that Child Beauty Pageants kinda gives the game away ? Just a thought !


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