American Bombing Based Purely on SUPPOSITION !

                                                                    People have said with the influx of refugees coming into their countries , it can only destabilize their economies . It cannot be good for self confidence within our communities , be it here in Ireland or elsewhere for that matter . But the one common denominator will  always  be the feelings of support these Syrian refugees will get from decent concerned human beings .
                                                                    Decent people understand that the circumstances surrounding their mass evacuation from their home country , wasn't something they had any control over . In fact the people who created this evil called I.S.I.S will be at home rubbing their hands celebrating the chaos caused by these so called terrorists . Me personally I like to call them MERCENARIES , paid for by the American , British , and Israeli governments .
                                                                   And I have just learned , the latest revelation with regard to Syrian refugees , that FIVE AMERICAN GOVERNORS have refused to accept Syrian refugees into their States , because of the slaughter in Paris LAST YEAR . Kinda makes sense doesn't it ? NOT ! By the way I thought I would just add this photo to bring attention to some of the Americans  handy work in Syria . Something to be really proud of . They never did find evidence of chemical warfare . Oh there we go again , bombing a country on supposition . I mean we did it in Iraq , the world have probably forgotten about that , what do you think ?


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