America ,You've Simply Got No Class !

                                   What is it about American cowboy politicians that capture the attention and the imagination of so many voters in the U.S. ? Is it something to do with the level of education over there ? Are they brainwashed ? I mean seriously folks , every one of your presidents this century , and save but one or two in the last century were self ingratiating extremists !
                                   And now we have the Christian Zionist era . And everyone is screaming about how true their God of choice is . And how the Christian elements in America cannot help but support the Zionist agenda . What's that all about ?

                              Oh no we would never allow ourselves to be dictated to by a foreign power , no we have more sense than that. Really ? Then what is the real reason for American tax dollars being sent to your friendly Foreign Zionist Power in Israel ? Why do you insist on sending so much aid to a Zionist elected government ? There are other things you could be doing with this money , like helping the aged . Like feeding the poor on your streets , but no you just don't see the logic in any of that do you ?
                             And why are certain politicians over there given gifts of their own private jets by your Zionist friends ? Would it have anything to do with the huge Zionist lobby within the American government ? Methinks the Good old U.S.of A are Zionists too .
                                                                                Its getting so difficult to look upon any American  government with any sort of seriousness .You just keep muddying an already murky situation . Take good old George W.Bush for instance , all he will ever be famous for is being an idiot elected by ill informed voters . He really impressed didn't he ? Bet ya'll are all so proud of him . Now we have Barack Hussein Obama , doing a Bush impersonation so well . And look who's coming into the straight in her search for a position as the First woman president Mrs. Hilary ( Who can't keep her e/mails private ) Clinton . Really America , is that all you can come up with ?
                                                                               All of your politicians secrets and lies are there to behold , in black and white . I have this opinion though , and I think I know the reason for your woes on the global stage . You've simply got no class .                      


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