Cowboys playing Cowboy Politics !

Lyndon B. Johnson COWBOY !
                                                                What is it about the education system in the United States ? Most of the population don't get it , that there are other continents all over the world , and that they have existed for thousands of years . Do they not teach Geography , and History over there ? Even the celebrities on social media sites show their utter disregard and ignorance toward anything that is not from the Good Old U.S of A .
George W. Bush COWBOY !
                                                               When you ask them about Europe , they have no idea of its history , or Europe's people . They don't even know that their ancestors were European , or Asian for that matter . There is an overwhelming ignorance when it comes to basic knowledge about where they actually came from . They think seriously , that the Genocide of the Native American Indian is a story concocted by outsiders who would do and say anything just to bring an allegation of disrepute against them .
Ronald Reagan COWBOY !
                                                              I bow down to my wife's gut feeling on the subject of Americans . She has always said they were Aliens . She doesn't get their behaviour or their attitude to certain things either . I mean you listen to the bullshit they feed each other , and whats worse is is that they believe it . Don't ask for details , I could go on all day . They seriously need to reconsider their way of life . They seriously need to educate themselves , and most importantly , they seriously need to chill out .
                                                             All you have to do is look at their politicians in action , I do believe they are on speed . Just look at their evil destructive gun laws . I have said it before and I will say it again , they are nothing but cowboys , with cowboy laws , and elected cowboys who just want to play cowboys with people's lives , especially if there is something to be gained by their cowboy persistence  . But there will always be a condition , and there will always be a hidden agenda . They take their intelligence agencies very seriously . If something doesn't appear to be going their way , they will always bully , coerce , and lie to achieve their goals .
Barack Hussein Obama COWBOY !
                                                            You probably are getting the idea that I don't like the U.S.A ? Well you would be spot on if you thought that . I hate who they are , I hate what they have done , I hate what they are doing , and will always feel that way until someone other than an alien decides , enough is enough . Man their arrogance really pisses me off .


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