Do What You Do Best , GOOGLE IT ! 6630507

                                                               In a world of conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory , we get so bogged down in detail . We see enemies everywhere . You only have to look at your television screen and the fear factor jumps out at you all of the time . Bombings here , bombings there . People dying in excruciating pain , and have been for many many years , when there have been ways that governments do not see fit to share with us , to relieve said pain and in some cases cure diseases .
                                                              You see as I have said in many previous blogs , sickness and pain is big money to the corporate elite , and logically in their minds curing someone does not achieve what they set out to do , and that means making money . They would rather let your children , and your parents die on hospital trolleys than provide for them the comfort and solace that IS AVAILABLE if they only decided to share that information and knowledge .
                                                             Which brings me to the innocuous number 6630507 . What I hear you say does that number represent ? Is it some form of code ? A bank account number ? Barack Hussein Obama's private number in the Whitehouse ? No its none of those things , it happens to be a patent number . A patent number that was taken out on October 7th 2003 .
                                                             Now peoples , go knock yourselves out , and do what you do best , GOOGLE IT !


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