France , J'en Suis Vraiment Desole Pour Votre Troubles !

                                                                 I would like to extend my sympathies to all of the families effected directly by what happened in Paris on the evening of the 13th November 2015 . There are no words that could possibly express the feelings of pure horror that I and the rest of the world feel as a result of such slaughter .
                                                                So many innocents went out last night to maybe enjoy a concert , watch a football match , or just to go out and have dinner with friends and enjoy an evening of laughter and conversation . And Paris , what you witnessed was nothing but pure evil .
                                                                There will be all sorts of promises made , and resolutions passed to try and make some sense out of the devastation . But the one true thing that will endure all of it , including the call for revenge , is that feelings of Peace and solidarity , you can rely upon from your friends and fellow human beings around the world .
                                                               Whoever , and whatever , perpetrated this vile act , will be shown for what they truly are . Savages , unholy people , people who have no future or no past and will always be remembered as nothing more than murderers . They can put whatever symbol they want on this , and they can blame whoever , but this outrage can never be attributed to a belief in God . They will try , Lord knows they will try , but let us be honest for once and for all and call this exactly what it is .
                                                    AN ACT OF WAR !


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