So Bolivia , Belgium and China have joined our special league of readers . Thank you for taking the time and the interest in what's being said here . As I have said so many times before if an insight is shared , and it makes some sense , and you feel that somewhere and somehow its worth commenting on , well then you will have made my day . This blog is about opinion , and in that sense , yes it's about mine , and I earnestly want you all to do the same . Put your opinions out there , share them , see if you are not alone in feeling the way you do about certain issues .Believe me its great for the soul , and for once in your life you will feel a sense of worth and a sense of being . Not for one minute should you feel your opinion and voice doesn't count . There are so many like minded souls out there that want to vent their collective frustrations in response to not being considered in the whole scheme of things . Go on feel alive , go on feel free , GO ON SAY SOMETHING !


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