The Nazi Bogeymen !

                                                            Be warned , this is going to be a rant of biblical proportions ! And when you have finished reading please share , pass it on , do what you like with it , but please don't ignore it .
                                                            I have become increasingly disenchanted with both you Mr's Rothschild and you Mr's Rockefeller . Both your families are a disease on the face of this planet . You are both so eco-dangerous that Monsanto should devise some pesticide to rid us of your effect on this beautiful planet . You are EVIL , you are unwanted , you are the vile deepness in our darkest nightmares . You are the Bogeymen that little children are terrified over . You are the piece of shit that sticks to my shoes when passing through a field of free range cattle . You're both families are infested with greed and prejudice . You are the ultimate description of NAZI ! Jewish Nazi's in fact the worst kind . You are distrusted , hated , abhorred , scorned upon as you keep pushing people to the brink of an abyss that will not ignore your families too .
                                                           I will make no apology for this tirade of thought directed solely at both your families . I will never pull back from my opinion in relation to what would be most satisfying to see happen to all of your children and grandchildren . You see you are like a swarm of locusts , leave one remaining and they will surely come back and bite you . You all , everyone of you need to be eradicated if our world is to survive in the future .
                                                          People will ask , where is this tirade coming from ?  Its coming from my paternal right to defend my family and my planet ! It comes from an enlightenment that for far too long has lain dormant . Its a gut feeling of what's to come , its a deep intuition that annoys the hell out of me . You buy your news corporations and control the news , you buy governments to dictate your economic policies . You've done it under the definition of austerity here in Ireland and the rest of Europe and the rest of the world . People recognize those evil faces of yours , you are no longer anonymous .
                                                          If Karma means anything , and if there is any person or group of people out there who can in any way do something about this EVIL that's haunting everyone of us , I would like to plead to your sense of righteousness . This Evil has to be defeated ! There is no other way , it needs to be eradicated .
                                                          And so in conclusion , please don't worry about why I am doing this or if I have lost the plot . I can confirm quite honestly that this is not the case . But as I said earlier , if I reach even one person and this little blog of mine is seen by some revolutionary minded individual who has the capacity to do something , well the it will all have been worth it . Thanking you for your attention x x x

From their own mouth's , do you need more convincing ?


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