A Foggy Sunday Evening Reflection !

                                                  What a miserable cold and foggy evening here in Ireland . Looking out the window and trying to recognize something is like trying to see while swimming in pea soup . Its been like that all day freezing fog with no let up , still it could be much worse , the sun could be shining , now there's a thing !
                                                  So tell me , how has your day been ? Have you had that argument that has been simmering for the last few days ? Has he/she taken the biscuit this time and really upset your normally pleasant Sunday ? Has he had to go down the pub to watch the game on T V? Or have you just said enough is enough ?
                                                  Firstly , enough is never enough ! We are creatures of habit and to just throw in the towel would be the worse thing you could do . You have to look at the big picture , especially if there are kids involved . Having a defeatest attitude doesn't really help things either , what you really need from your partner is a positive outlook . He/She needs to stop being so negative , there are worse case scenarios out there , and I know sometimes that doesn't comfort you in the least , in fact if someone says it to you it can actually make things worse . Because at that given moment in time it is the worst thing in the world .
                                                  A lot of people focus too much on the things they don't have , as opposed to the things they do . There you go again positive /negative . For a lot of people there is no grey area , unless it involves a certain fifty shades . No , your time is so limited that you must at least look at the flip side of the coin , if you are to save something that maybe is worth saving . There but for the Grace of God go I .



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