Personal Fulfillment !

                                                      Did you know that certain therapists are recommending to people who have emotional and life issues , that they should start blogging ? Seemingly getting in touch with your inner self is the key to happiness and a stress free existence ! They have advised patients that the said blog doesn't even have to be interesting , its just a way of sharing whats going through your brain at any given time . Seems good advice to me , as we all know there are times when trying to grapple with a mind that's racing at 200 hundred miles an hour can be often very frightening .
                                                     That's where you can suffer from panic attacks etc. A panic attack is the closest experience to a heart attack , and has all the symptoms too . Its your brains way of telling you to slow down , and if you don't take heed , well a heart attack is exactly what you'll get .
                                                     Blogging is a great way of sharing feelings , experiences , life's little hiccups , and being able to pass them on to someone else who may not quite know what they are experiencing , can often be very helpful . I do it for my own satisfaction , not to appeal to any given subject , which fulfills me in so many different ways . It gives me the opportunity to calm myself , especially when I am anxious about something . What it does is , it relaxes your concentration so you can focus on the keyboard rather than something that might be getting up your nose. Add to that the having to correct your spelling and phrases , it slows that manic speed where you think you're going somewhere , but you never quite arrive .
                                                    You need to stop looking at yourself as Super Mario , and think of yourself as a great great writer , who has all the time in the world just to put words on a page . Words that sometimes make little sense to others , but to you its a " Cat on a Hot Tin Roof " type essay , full of strange themes and and an even stranger story line that not everyone will be privy to . That's the wonderful medicine that's called blogging , use it wisely , and never , repeat never share that personal prescription that only you should have access to !


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