I can Still Remember Paris !

                                                   Great to see we have some Malaysian viewers on our blog , welcome and pass it on . Its really refreshing I am going International , or maybe its just someone taking the piss more likely . Anyways welcome one and all .
                                                   O k lets share , whats the most romantic thing that's happened to you today ? Was it as good as expected , I hope it wasn't ruined by an over zealous evening last night . Did he/she surprise you in any way , or was it so romantic that nobody's telling . Well if you were surprised please share as we all would like to hear about it . Maybe it will give someone a push in the right direction next year .
                                                  Enjoy the last hours of Valentine's , as I write this from the top of the Eiffel Tower , herself and myself will just saunter around the Champs Elysee and have a wonderful dinner . We will then go to the Moulin Rouge and enjoy the festivities .
                                                  By the way am taking this story from a few years ago , but the intent was good . I can still remember Paris !


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