That three Inch Roll of Paper !

                                                         From an early age I've had an illicit love affair . Its been going on these 47 years , and to be honest its probably never gonna end . I have tried so many times to end it , even replacing the object of my attention with another more up to date model . That didn't work either , it was just too different from the original model . You see once you have chosen one particular type its so hard to change to another .
                                                        Now you have people continually saying , its bad for you , you will end up dead probably as a result . But ignore my love affair , well that is just and never will be an option .
                                                        From the minute I wake in the morning I know I will entertain this vice of mine , it will accompany me before lunch , after lunch , before dinner , after dinner and probably well into the evening proper . It will relax me , and am not so proud as to be ashamed by my continuous friendship with it .
                                                       At this stage you're probably wondering what the hell I  am

talking about . Well let me explain , its that little three inch roll of paper that's called the cigarette . I have smoked them for so very long , I like them , and yes I know they're not good for me . I would never encourage someone to smoke , in fact I would act in exactly the opposite manner .
                                                       But please try and understand , I enjoy smoking , I am addicted to smoking , and I don't want to stop . I will always take other peoples concerns into consideration , and will smoke in a smoke free zone and will not infringe on the health of others with my smoke . But there is one thing I ask people to respect in my enjoyment of the dreaded leaf . When it comes to my enjoyment of a cigarette , mind your own f...... business . I do not want or will not accept someone's wanting me to stop . If I do decide to stop it will be MY DECISION , and mine alone . I will not be subjected to an assault on my freedom of choice by the anti-smoking brigade .
                                                      So in conclusion , all you non-smokers will get my utmost respect in relation to the unwanted smoke shared by others . I will never inflict that on you , I will happily smoke in privacy . But you do the same , and respect a smokers right to PERSONAL CHOICE !


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