Heathens of the Universe !

                                                  To all you expectant readers of my blog . I apologize unreservedly for my inactivity recently . I am not going to put something up if it just isn't interesting or important . So with that out of the way lets begin !
                                                  As we all have known , or have fantasized about the possibility of extraterrestrial being out there , it has surprisingly come to pass that most of the governments of the world have deemed it important to share with us knowledge that has heretofore been denied to us .
                                                 Previously information relating to certain flying objects , strange lights in the sky , and Roswell type incidents have been hush hush . Roswell New Mexico has always been the area that most people think about when information relating to these type of things comes up . You see that's where science fiction/fact really began in earnest . There were too many questions left unanswered , when the pertinent authorities were grilled about it .
                                                Leap forward from 1947 to 2015 , that's 68 years , and we have various agencies telling us that with great leaps in science and technology they have come to the conclusion that we are not alone . Duhhhhhh !
                                                Now let me introduce to a certain Vatican Theologian named Brother Guy Consolmagno , he happens to be the new president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation .He has recently said and I quote , " I believe [Alien life exists] , but I have no evidence .I would be really excited and it would make my understanding of my religion deeper and richer in ways I can't even predict yet , which is why it would be so exciting ".This from a guy who represents a religion who up until the early 1900's decreed that life as we know it was only about 3 thousand years old .The same religion who with the backing of the then pope , after Egyptian writings were translated and proved as being at least 5000 years old ! I digress .
                                                Anyhow , as an extension to his thoughts on extraterrestrial life , the same Brother Guy has said if and when the opportunity arises he would only be delighted to Baptize these heathens of the universe ! What do you think of that then ?
                                           This is Chris from the clouds signing off ! Have a nice day ! x x


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