
Showing posts from 2018

Have the Happiest of Christmas's ( And Just Love Yourself )

                                                                        With so much darkness in the world , I have made a promise to myself this Christmas . I will only entertain light in whatever shape or form that comes my way  . Its so easy to be engulfed by sadness , badness , people's apathy , that to have any semblance of order in your life you must first examine yourself . And examine myself I have ! I found that in reality happiness lives here ! I have also realised happiness sometimes comes at a cost . The cost is to your sanity and well being , and sometimes you just cannot afford it , the price being so extortionately pricey . Something will suffer for your happiness , as not everyone or everything is going to be glad you have suddenly found something good to hold onto . Such is Life ! ...

Methinks That Line Has Been Crossed !

                                This long while I've been waiting and hoping that eventually the people's of the world would wake from their collective apathetic slumber and realize once and for all how uncomfortable and sore it is to have some entity or group screwing you from behind ! That soreness probably started with an uneasy discomfort that has progressed into a fully fledged giant Haemorrhoid protruding from our collective asses that needs Lancing once and for all !                                Le Mouvement des Gilet Jaunes ( Yellow Vests ) to us mere misunderstood victims of governmental abuse (mental being the operative word ) , have started a trend that is gathering momentum in the capitals of  countries within the European Zone . It has being brewing for as long as I have been predicting it , and that is some...

Too Comfortable a Keyboard Warrior !

                                                                      Emotion , Explosion , Temptation , Salvation , Recession , Aggression , Taxation , Damnation ! I am but a keyboard warrior who for some reason unknown to myself , must write these things down on how it feels to be human in this 21st century . It wasn't an epiphany that got me going , rather it was the involuntary bowing down to everything life , government , the stalling of improvement in our daily lives , that has re-awakened delusions of the Utopian ideal long since surrendered and abandoned in an earlier existence .                                                                 ...

Citizens of the Fence ( You Fuc.... Sicken Me )

                                                                 BOLLOX ! If ever there was a word that defines how you can feel at any given time BOLLOX is that word . So just to be clear , anyone who might be offended by this word , and any other descriptive words I may use , here is your opportunity to stop reading this piece ! Because believe me , there is going to be a lot said , and I promise and intend not to hold back on adjectives ! Alright ?  So let me begin .                                                                  I have always been that person who would say to themselves , that no matter what happens be it good bad or indifferent , I w...

Alita: Battle Angel | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX


Intrinsically Disordered Taoiseach !

                                                                          Intrinsically Disordered ! Intrinsically Disordered ! Like who comes up with these terms ? Who is it that would describe a group of people in this way ? And pray tell what exactly does Intrinsically Disordered mean ? Well let me explain how a Catechism explains what it means . People who engage in acts of Grave Depravity .They are contrary to natural law ,they do not proceed from genuine effective and sexual complementary. Under no circumstances can this behaviour be approved . Now have you taken all of that in ? Well neither did I , but lets proceed regardless .                                                 ...

The Paparama Project ( Please Don't Shoot the Messenger )

                                                                         It's been a while I know , and forgive me for that but things in the Henwatch world have become a lot more confused as of late . Nothing to do with me personally , but feelings of I couldn't care less have been tugging at my inner workings . Tugging so hard that to even string a sentence together was like trying to exorcise a blocking demon of sorts . As you probably all know these sort of things can be rather quick to effect you , and rather slow to disappear . But methinks in the positive right now , so lets just see what I have to say shall we ?                                                     ...

The Apathetics , Running on Empty !

                                                                        Its complicated ! It's always been complicated , and you are not doing yourself any favours by making it more complicated . You ask a question that basically requires a yes or a no , and what you must face is a description of how , why , when , and did you ever . Without appearing too confrontational , please give me the simple answer I require , yes or no !                                                                         Many's a true word has been spoken in jest , and adding to the confusion by being neither truthful or clear is simply muddying the cle...

Musings on a Warm Monday Evening !

                                                      What the fu.. is it about people ? What is it that makes them behave the way they do ? You know , today they are fine , then tomorrow they are pure shitebags . I am convinced its either something in the water , or they are eating too many steaks that are filled with fuc.... steroids . Not to mince my words (no pun intended) , but saying I have enough of their shite would be a gross misunderstanding of the way that I feel right now .                                                       And please don't send me your thoughts asking who the fu.. I am talking about . Its not gonna happen . Lets just say this is a general overview of my life at the moment . Innuen...

R.I.P Phillip !

                                                                    It's so hard to think of mortality without thinking firstly of yourself , and really what it means to you . Everyone takes mortality for granted , its like well I am still alive therefore it doesn't really effect me , and therefore I won't want to think about it . Selfish maybe ? Inconsiderate possibly ? Human nature absolutely ! And final so very very definitely !                                                                    Today my wife's sister said goodbye to her only son Phillip .Devastated is a word that is frequently used to describe all sorts of feelings in relation to o...

Lets just Say it is , As it Is !

                                                                      Ain't it strange how having done all of your tutoring and teaching in relation to bringing up children , that never , not one day could you say to yourself okay that's the end of that and take the rest that you so seriously deserve . You see , in your heart of hearts you understand that the only way you're going to relinquish that responsibility is when you're out of breath and you've forgotten how to resume .                                                                       Having been in this position for forty three years , you've kinda earned yourself an opinion wh...

Bullshit That's So All Consuming !

                                                                Now normally I have an idea where one of my blogs is going to go . Normally there would be a subject that has either made me happy or in some instances , made me mad . This particular blog has no sub text . It has no direction I can think of . And it certainly has no one issue that I want to address . So have patience and bear with me and lets just see where this goes okay ? Oh and by the way , if something sounds or feels familiar , don't be getting yourself thinking that it's about you , ITS NOT !                                            Once upon a time in my mind , things had structure , things had shape and reason , and now all I can see is utter con...

Avoiding an IMPASSE !

                                                                       Its hardly surprising that when you have just about settled with a particular level of calm in the Universe , something happens to add to the decay . I know that maybe I am being a little naive when I say things like this , but for once just once you think to yourself that you are pretty happy with the way things are .                                                                       When these type of events happen , its very easy to lull yourself into a little false sense of security . I mean no one wants to hear bad news . No one wants to be faced with change ...

Mary Poppins Returns Official Teaser Trailer


Patient's Die & Doctor's Differ !

                                                             Throughout my life I have always kinda wanted to have some sort of hold on what goes on around me . You should probably be able to identify with what I am going to write . Or maybe not , either way it should hopefully provoke you into having an opinion . That when you get old enough and hopefully wise enough , you can decide confidently what path you should take in dealing with a particular problem .                                                               You see I can tend to oversimplify things , and maybe that's the root cause of my problem . For instance . If someone has a broken leg it should be fixed and rese...

A Tendency to Over Complicate Matters !

                                                                        Today's a good day ! The sun is shining , I have a chance to sit alone with my thoughts , and write them down . I don't get this opportunity often , so when I do I would normally read or watch a football match . But today is different . Today I am in conversation with myself , and I am having a discussion on whether it is right to talk to oneself , or is it just another idiosyncrasy that speaks to me every so often ?                                                                         Sometimes it's kinda okay to do this sort of thing . But then sometimes it...

Teaching Understanding and NOT Denial !

                                                                            It's been a while hasn't it ? And the reason for that has probably got a lot to do with where I am at the moment both physically and mentally . It seems that things spring to the surface when some sort of emotional disturbance might have caught my attention . And to be honest I can probably say without any hesitation that this is certainly one of those times . Let me simply  explain how this piece came about . Its in direct response to a video my son posted on line about gender confusion .                                                                   ...

Tomorrowland 2014 | official aftermovie


The Loathsome Irritant !

                                                                   Am still trying to handle the bitch that is January . But am in a positive place today , and January is just another faint needle prick that is easily forgotten . Besides there are more pressing issues to be dealt with and to be faced . Issues that ordinarily I would just ignore or pass as being nothing more than another bloody annoying irritant . Now as we all know irritants can cause blotches on your skin , they can also make you itch in places you'd rather not have itches in . They can also annoy the fu.. out of your head . Now they are a special kind of irritant .To put it in a nutshell , these are what I would term two legged egotistical irritants . People who can't but annoy the arse out of you . You know the ones , don't you ?     ...

What The Fu.. is Good about January ?

                                                                        I Fuc.... Hate January ! I detest everything about it . It is for me the worst time of the year . Its a nowhere month . It has no character . It has no warmth . It is empty of anything that promotes well being .                                                                         Even the poor people whose children's birthday's are in January hate the bastardin month. They've just gotten over the Christmas presents , and now they have birthdays . They should scrap all birthdays and do what they do with horses and set maybe the 1st of July as everyone's birth...

Yesterday Was a Good Day !

                                                                          Yesterday was a good day ! No , let me correct myself , yesterday was a really good day ! You see on the 10th January 1975 I married my wife Catherine , and if I did only one thing right in the whole of my life , well then that would have been it .                                                                           That's not to say I got a lot wrong along the way , well maybe I did , but in her I really hit the jackpot . It's not everybody who can say that and really mean it   As its I suppose in men's eyes , sometimes not something that...