The Loathsome Irritant !

                                                                   Am still trying to handle the bitch that is January . But am in a positive place today , and January is just another faint needle prick that is easily forgotten . Besides there are more pressing issues to be dealt with and to be faced . Issues that ordinarily I would just ignore or pass as being nothing more than another bloody annoying irritant . Now as we all know irritants can cause blotches on your skin , they can also make you itch in places you'd rather not have itches in . They can also annoy the fu.. out of your head . Now they are a special kind of irritant .To put it in a nutshell , these are what I would term two legged egotistical irritants . People who can't but annoy the arse out of you . You know the ones , don't you ?
                                                                  I can almost sense the motion of you nodding to yourselves . Don't be surprised by this . Its a natural reaction to an irritant . If you had blotches on your skin , or your face came out in a rash as a result of this , you would go to a doctor or perhaps the A&E and get some professional help with it . But because the irritant is some other human being , professional help from a doctor isn't always forthcoming . You see there aren't any human irritant doctors around to sort out your problem . No , you're expected to sort these things out for yourselves .And Why is that the case I ask ? Why is there no help for this affliction , when help is exactly whats required . The answer is simple , quite quite simple in fact !

                                                               Most people would rather not get involved in shit . They would rather just put up with this irritating annoying individual rather than face them proper . You see the more someone becomes an irritant , and does not have to face the music , the more empowered they become . Its like I will say and will do as much as I can to disrupt the status quo , knowing full well that no one will pull them up over it . God almighty we better not annoy them by disagreeing with them , God only knows what they'll do or say if we confront them . Life as we know it would simply come to an end , and all previous amiable relationships would simply hit rock bottom never to be repaired ever again .
                                                               I have come to the conclusion , that we actually as a whole , yes us human beings , are the reason for all of this bullshit . We forever pander to someone else's agenda . We forever sit ourselves on that proverbial fence and just let shit run wild . We actually know no better . Its all got to do with character among friends and family . He/She it seems with the loudest voice , invariably is that irritant we spoke of earlier .
                                             May Whatever Irritant that affects your life be treated forcefully as the pain in the ass that they actually are !


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