Today's a good day ! The sun is shining , I have a chance to sit alone with my thoughts , and write them down . I don't get this opportunity often , so when I do I would normally read or watch a football match . But today is different . Today I am in conversation with myself , and I am having a discussion on whether it is right to talk to oneself , or is it just another idiosyncrasy that speaks to me every so often ?
Sometimes it's kinda okay to do this sort of thing . But then sometimes it can be a very bad idea . Mostly it depends upon your mood at any given time . You see a lot of our problems in life , well mine anyway , is that I tend to assume that other people feel and understand things the same way that I do .Not a very bright idea I have learned . You see just because I can deal with something , doesn't necessarily mean that someone else can and will do the same . Yes the problems may seem obvious , and the the solution can be that
obvious too . But we very rarely seek a solution to our problems by doing the obvious . Why ? Mainly because we are complicated individuals , who complicate our lives by having this awful tendency to over complicate matters . If there looks like an easy solution to some difficult situation , just go for it . If it doesn't work out try again .

Its at times like this , I have this overwhelming need to just shake my own thought process . Not that I am lecturing or anything like it . I just find it all too easy to just sit back and let things happen . I'd rather make an ass of myself by doing and saying something , than staying silent and doing nothing . There is no one subject I am talking about here , in fact if I am being honest with myself , I tend to apply that train of thought to everything . Because of this attitude it is very easy to alienate oneself , and even make yourself unpopular . Though to be quite honest popularity has never really done it for me . Popularity is just another way of looking and feeling accepted by our peers . We must and always feel the need to think for ourselves as individuals . Single minds , single thoughts , single dreams . Ours and always ours alone . Others may agree with our thoughts and our way of dealing with things . But the individual that you are , will always render your actions , powerful and incomparable .
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