Zionism and its Supporters , A Cancer That Needs Extracting !

When you see countries committing indefensible acts on their fellow human beings , something must be said . Not just in objection to those acts , but to remind everyone exactly how evil a position can be taken by supposed civilized societies .
Take the Jews for instance , because they suffered at the hands of the Nazi's , the world welcomed the survivors and leaders with open arms , saying this will never happen again . This statement in itself was

to be commended and lauded by anyone with a hint of decency . The Germans had done to them things that should never be spoken off . But lest we forget , this is an example of how one society can turn on another at the drop of a hat .
Now lets start thinking hypothetically , take your own country wherever you may be , lets just take the Good Old U.S.of A for example , and for the sake of argument you don't happen to be a world power with nuclear weapons and such .There you are minding your own business , and the United Nations decides in its wisdom to give over half of your lands to the Native Americans , because they have been beaten and killed by some Dictator who wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth . Sounds Familiar America doesn't it ? 
Then those same Native Americans get their hands on nuclear weapons and become a world power and are supported by other like minded countries , who send  3 million dollars a day in taxes to support their growing regime . And after another few years because of their power and influence they take more and more of your American lands , until in the end all you are left with is Alaska .
Suddenly Alaska decides its had enough and starts sending lone bombers into what once was your home to blow away these terrible Native Americans who have suddenly become too big for their boots . All you have to fight with are hand guns , and bows and arrows , but that won't deflect from your committed efforts to get back some of your stolen lands . And do you know whats worse ? The rest of the world will just stand by and watch this happening without so much as a whimper . They will support those evil Native Americans , and you the losers of your lands , whose men have been slaughtered , whose women have been raped , and whose children will never grow up to see a true Californian sky , will be left  stranded , forgotten , and without any dignity . 
Now lets get back to reality , and please remind yourselves , that what I have just described in detail is exactly what has happened to PALESTINE . Those Zionist Pigs led by a certain Mr Benjamin Netanyahu and his Ilk , are the true terrorists in this piece . And yes the rest of the world supports their terrorism , especially yourselves America , and you still say FUCK ALL . You still sit in your little

cardboard boxes smiling about the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free , when that would be furthest from the truth . You aren't free , you send billions of your tax dollars to Israel every year and think your troops are defending you all from foreign aggressors . The only true aggressors here are yourselves who need to open your eyes , and those Zionist bastards in Israel . You , Israel , and any country who supports the extermination of PALESTINE , THAT HAS EXISTED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I NEED ADD , should hang your collective heads in shame . You are all to life on this delicate planet , a cancer that needs to be extracted .  


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