She Could Just Fly Off The Handle !

                                                     I got my hair cut today . Always a pleasant experience . The thing is , having sat myself down in the barbers chair , from the time it takes him to start cutting and then to maybe him giving my hair a new style with a lot of fringe   to ask me " Is That Alright ?", well that time is getting considerably shorter and shorter . Now either one of two things is happening without my knowledge , either he has increased the speed when cutting my locks , OR , as may be the case , the canvas on which he has worked has got considerably smaller .
                                                   Maybe I just worry too much , and that is having some sort of negative effect on my head . But thinking about it seriously for once , I have been pulling my hair out in my sleep recently . And maybe that's what's doing it . I will have to consider some form of action to prevent myself getting too wound up in my sleep . Normally I am a sound sleeper , but lately I have been very conscious of my snoring , it tends to wake my wife up you see . And that's the last thing in the world I want to do , she can be very violent when her sleep is interrupted .
                                                  So two things need my full attention   [1] I probably need to get myself a pair of mits to stop myself tearing my hair out , I mean at this stage its getting serious . And [2] I need to fully address this snoring lark . Its not just funny any more , my wife has threatened my existence . You don't ignore my wife's threats , don't ask , you just don't .
                                                 Wish me well , I am certainly going to need it , if I am to continue sharing all of these precious moments with you . I will let you know how I get on . I will try my best to keep this a secret , and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about it within ear range when you meet her . She could just fly off the handle ! Thanks .


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