Something Smells Decidedly Dodgy !

                                                                               If it looks dodgy don't eat it ! And if it Smells dodgy give it the widest berth humanly possible . Now the word dodgy can apply to almost anything when describing something . But the one thing that you know for certain when the word dodgy is used , is that it is always a negative . It's something to be wary of . Avoided at all costs even . And the feeling of dodginess doesn't need explanation , doesn't need understanding , just a personal sense deep down that one should always proceed with caution . 
                                                                              Jesus man , the wheels on that piece of shit look decidedly dodgy . After spending maybe an hour cooking something you've been gummin for , for a long time , you sniff the result and something smells ? Ah the word is dodgy !
                                                                              Now if Like me you apply that bit of logic to all of your daily chores , or whatever it is you do , I can say without reservation , it will never let you down . 
                                                                              Now according to the Collins  Dictionary , if you describe someone or something as dodgy you disapprove of them because they seem dishonest and unreliable . Nasty , unpleasant , offensive , even revolting can describe someone or something dodgy . All of that seems fair to me , and it doesn't even need to be proven which I suppose leaves it wide open to interpretation . 
                                                                              Throughout my life I've been in some dodgy situations , ones that I suppose at that time seemed okay . Like the time I put my foot onto a strut on a Cessna single engine plane , some two thousand feet up , and was slapped on the arse and told to jump . Well I was doing it for the right reasons in support of some foundation that needed support at the time . But when that engine was turned off , as they do just before a jump , I kinda thought to myself , Now this is Dodgy ! Having never done it before , and in all honesty , and not since either , I jumped !
                                                                              For me to have jumped in hindsight , was such a crazy idea . I was just so pumped up on doing this and the promotion involved ,I never thought of consequences . I never thought of risks involved I just wanted to do it ., and no one was going to stop me .
                                                                             I suppose you're wondering where all of this is going ?
Well I suppose you could say that life is certainly dodgy ? And being told to do things that smell to high heaven of dodginess , you naturally question it don't you ? Well this is what I am getting at . The Truth ! in all of it's dodginess . That's my point , there is No Truth any more . Truth is , and has been taking a back seat in Everything for as long as I care to remember . The church would have had you believe that there was no form of life or intelligence before Christ . Check your bible . And when it found out in the early nineteen hundreds that Egyptian history could go back at least five thousand years before Christ , what did the Pope at the time try to do , even though he was the one who sought this information in the first place , He tried to conceal this information and cried heretic if someone spoke of it . Now That's dodgy !
                                                                          So I won't go any further , other than to say , please apply this logic to EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER LEARNT OR BEEN TOLD , and draw your own conclusions . It's not Rocket Science , so please don't choose to hide behind " Well the government said it , therefore it must be true " The World Health Organization said it , Oh it must be true " Donald Trump said it , Now that 's a strange one , but he must be Truthful also " . Be bold ! Question all you've been told heretofore , and get involved in some Freedom Thinking Energy . It's out there , all you need is a brain to access it .
                                                                        Good Luck with that , and Good Day !
                                                                            Love & Peace Always xxx


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