Musings on a Warm Monday Evening !

                                                      What the fu.. is it about people ? What is it that makes them behave the way they do ? You know , today they are fine , then tomorrow they are pure shitebags . I am convinced its either something in the water , or they are eating too many steaks that are filled with fuc.... steroids . Not to mince my words (no pun intended) , but saying I have enough of their shite would be a gross misunderstanding of the way that I feel right now . 
                                                     And please don't send me your thoughts asking who the fu.. I am talking about . Its not gonna happen . Lets just say this is a general overview of my life at the moment . Innuendo , dropped words and deeds . Behaviour that you know is just so out of character , even if it is unintended . Its so hard to ignore , and even harder to comprehend . Just for once , if someone needs to say something to me , JUST FUC.... SAY IT !
                                                    I am not perfect , and have never given that impression . I would never want to be .But when someone calls into question your intentions , your motives , and more importantly your humanity , thats when things need to be addressed .
                                                   This is me , warts and all ! I will never apologise for who I am . Everything I have ever done if hurt was caused , believe me I hurt myself more . You see being imperfect can kinda do that to you . But what really does my head in , is the fact that we are all in the same boat . We can all be cun.. at times , some more than others .Its the way of the world . So please don't forgive me when I say there are things in life that matter more to me than your fuc.... drama . Wake the fu.. up the world owes you nothing . I owe you nothing . I will be the same tomorrow as I was yesterday . You don't like that ?Well then get the fu.. out of my head ! 


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