Intrinsically Disordered Taoiseach !

                                                                          Intrinsically Disordered ! Intrinsically Disordered ! Like who comes up with these terms ? Who is it that would describe a group of people in this way ? And pray tell what exactly does Intrinsically Disordered mean ? Well let me explain how a Catechism explains what it means . People who engage in acts of Grave Depravity .They are contrary to natural law ,they do not proceed from genuine effective and sexual complementary. Under no circumstances can this behaviour be approved . Now have you taken all of that in ? Well neither did I , but lets proceed regardless .
                                                                          This weekend in Ireland The Pope will do his stuff all over the place amid concerns for the establishment he represents . The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar ( Prime Minister ) to anyone who may not understand the brogue , will welcome him with all of his ministers to our fair shores .He will also try and get some sort of an understanding why the church ( even though it is failing at this time and place ) continues to describe homosexuality as Intrinsically Disordered behaviour . He will also seek to get clarity on why even now the church continues to protect its Priests , Bishops and Cardinals from the full letter of the law with regard to their  shameful acts of rape and torture . To be honest I wish him well with that , as I can't see anything worthwhile coming from his interview .
                                                                          I just kinda hoped , that the bould Leo would have had more to say in relation to the Prime Minister of this country being described as Intrinsically Disordered . And I know , that this may not be the most opportune of times to say something , but say something HE MUST . He must once and for all let the world and its mother know that The Catholic Church WILL NEVER BE GIVEN THE INFLUENCE  it so obviously ABUSED . We are all to blame because it is US who placed these sick individuals on their thrones and pulpits . We gave these people our children to look after and educate . Admittedly we never knew the true depths of their depravity . But the non frocked teachers knew . The Bishops in all of their grandeur knew . The Cardinals knew . The Police knew , and never lifted a finger to protect these children .
                                                                         You get a sense of speaking of the past when we speak about this . But unfortunately we all know too well that it still continues within the church . Why has no one ever been found

accountable ? I mean you'd sack a manager for interfering with his employees wouldn't you ? I know its inaccurate to assume that Canon Law takes precedent over civil Law , and if thats not the case WHY HAVE SO FEW OF THESE PEDOPHILES NOT BEEN BROUGHT BEFORE THE COURTS ? WHY ,WHY, WHY ? I have just had an epiphany , maybe its because all of us plebs and lay people are in some way INTRINSICALLY DISORDERED TOO !                                                                          


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